Generated by EX4-TO-MQ4 decompiler V4.0.224.1 []
Website: http://purebeam.biz
E-mail : purebeam@gmail.com
#property copyright "www.brokerfxopen.com"
#property link "abdalla27005@yahoo.co.id"
#property show_inputs
string gs_76 = "www.bokerfxopen.com";
extern string Note = "*** ROBOTSUPER_X4T ***";
extern string Note1 = "This Expert Advisor is a copyright of";
extern string Note2 = "brokerfxopen.com";
extern string Note3 = "email: abdalla27005@yahoo.co.id";
extern string Note4 = "---------------------------------------------------------------------";
extern string Mode = "normal";
extern string Note5 = "----- CLOSE ALL POSITION -----";
extern bool CloseAll = FALSE;
extern string Note6 = "----- BASIC PARAMETER -----";
extern int EALoop = 0;
extern double LotSize = 0.4;
extern bool CloseOneCloseAll = TRUE;
extern bool AutoCalculateLot = FALSE;
extern bool OnlyAllowDecreaseLot = TRUE;
extern double LotEquityRatio = 1.0;
extern int CloseWhileHedgingProfit = 10;
extern string Note7 = "----- INCREMENTAL RANGE -----";
extern int increase = 15;
extern int IncreaseStartLevel = 2;
extern int IncreaseEndLevel = 7;
extern string Note8 = "----- HEDGING STRATEGY -----";
extern bool Hedging = TRUE;
extern int HedgeGap = 23;
extern double Multiplier = 0.0;
extern int TakeProfit = 150;
extern int StopLoss = 0;
extern bool GapAdjustment = FALSE;
extern string Note9 = "----- AVERAGING STRATEGY -----";
extern bool Averaging = FALSE;
extern int AveragingHedgeGap = 20;
extern double AveragingMultiplier = 2.0;
extern int AveragingTakeProfit = 50;
extern int AveragingStopLoss = 0;
extern double MaxLotStop = 0.0;
extern bool StartFromHiLow = FALSE;
extern int MinimumHiLowRange = 130;
extern int RangeFromHiLow = 5;
extern int HiLowIndicatorLevel = 0;
bool gi_300 = FALSE;
double gd_304 = 6.0;
double gd_312 = 20.0;
string gs_buy_320 = "buy";
string gs_eurusd_328 = "EURUSD";
string gs_usdchf_336 = "USDCHF";
bool gi_344 = FALSE;
bool gi_348 = FALSE;
bool gi_352 = TRUE;
double gd_356 = 0.0;
int gi_364 = 10;
int gi_368 = 20;
int gi_372 = 0;
int gi_376 = 8;
int gi_380 = 3;
int gi_384 = 15;
int gi_388 = 10;
extern string Note12 = "----- INITIAL ORDER -----";
extern string InitialOrder = "sa";
extern int ShortEMA = 5;
extern int LongEMA = 14;
extern string Note13 = "----- START WITH STRADDLE -----";
extern bool Straddle = FALSE;
extern int StraddleRange = 8;
extern double StraddleBuyPrice = 0.0;
extern double StraddleSellPrice = 0.0;
extern int StraddleTakeProfit = 20;
extern int StraddleStopLoss = 0;
extern string Note14 = "----- TRAILING STOP -----";
extern int TrailingStop = 23;
extern int TrailingStopStartLevel = 1;
extern int TrailingStopEndLevel = 3;
extern int Rebound = 3;
extern string Note15 = "----- TRAILING STOP 2-----";
extern int TrailingStop_2 = 17;
extern int TrailingStop_2_StartLevel = 2;
extern int TrailingStop_2_EndLevel = 4;
extern int Rebound_2 = 2;
extern string Note16 = "----- TRAILING STOP 3-----";
extern int TrailingStop_3 = 11;
extern int TrailingStop_3_StartLevel = 3;
extern int TrailingStop_3_EndLevel = 6;
extern int Rebound_3 = 2;
extern string Note17 = "----- TRAILING STOP 4-----";
extern int TrailingStop_4 = 2;
extern int TrailingStop_4_StartLevel = 4;
extern int TrailingStop_4_EndLevel = 0;
extern int Rebound_4 = 1;
extern string Note18 = "----- MONEY MANAGEMENT -----";
extern double MaxRiskPercentage = 100.0;
extern double MaxProfit = 0.0;
extern double MaxLoss = 0.0;
extern int MaxLevelAllowed = 0;
extern string Note19 = "----- DOUBLER -----";
extern bool Doubler = FALSE;
extern bool DisableTrailingStop = FALSE;
extern double DoublerLotSize = 0.1;
extern int DoublerRangeFromProfit = 10;
extern int DoublerTakeProfit = 10;
extern int DoublerStopLoss = 10;
extern double DoublerMultiplier = 0.0;
extern double DoublerAddition = 0.1;
extern int DoublerStartLevel = 1;
extern int DoublerEndLevel = 0;
extern int DoublerMaxOrder = 1;
extern string Note20 = "----- TIME -----";
extern string StartEATime = "0";
extern string EndEATime = "0";
extern string StopLoopTime = "0";
bool gi_684 = TRUE;
bool gi_688 = FALSE;
bool gi_692 = TRUE;
bool gi_696 = TRUE;
bool gi_unused_700 = TRUE;
bool gi_704 = FALSE;
bool gi_708 = FALSE;
bool gi_712 = TRUE;
bool gi_716 = FALSE;
bool gi_720 = FALSE;
int gi_724 = 0;
int g_count_728;
int g_count_732;
int g_count_736;
int g_count_740;
int gi_744 = 0;
int gi_748 = 0;
int gi_752;
int g_error_756;
int g_ord_total_760;
int g_pos_764;
int gi_768 = 1;
int gi_772 = 0;
int gi_776 = 0;
double gd_780;
double gd_788;
double g_ord_lots_796;
double g_ord_lots_804;
double gd_812 = 0.0;
double gd_820 = 0.0;
double g_bid_828;
double g_ask_836;
double g_bid_844 = 0.0;
double g_ask_852 = 0.0;
double gd_860 = 0.0;
double gd_868 = 0.0;
double gd_876 = 0.0;
double gd_884 = 0.0;
double g_ord_open_price_892 = 0.0;
double g_ord_open_price_900 = 0.0;
double gd_unused_908 = 0.0;
double gd_unused_916 = 0.0;
double gd_924;
double gd_932;
double g_price_940;
double g_price_948;
double gd_956 = 0.0;
double gd_964 = 0.0;
double gd_unused_972 = 0.0;
double gd_unused_980 = 0.0;
double gd_988 = 0.0;
double g_bid_996 = 0.0;
double g_ask_1004 = 0.0;
double g_bid_1012;
double gd_1020;
double gd_1028;
double g_bid_1036;
double gd_1044;
double g_ask_1052;
double gd_1060;
double gd_1068;
double g_ask_1076;
double gd_1084;
double g_bid_1092;
double gd_1100;
double gd_1108;
double g_bid_1116;
double gd_1124;
double g_ask_1132;
double gd_1140;
double gd_1148;
double g_ask_1156;
double gd_1164;
double g_bid_1172;
double gd_1180;
double gd_1188;
double g_bid_1196;
double gd_1204;
double g_ask_1212;
double gd_1220;
double gd_1228;
double gd_1236;
double gd_1244;
double g_ask_1252;
double g_bid_1260;
double gd_1268;
double gd_1276;
double gd_1284;
double gd_1292;
double gd_1300;
double gd_1308;
double g_lots_1316;
double g_lots_1324;
double g_ord_open_price_1332;
double g_ord_open_price_1340;
double g_ord_lots_1348;
double g_ord_lots_1356;
int g_count_1364;
int g_count_1368;
bool gi_1372;
bool gi_1376;
bool gi_1380;
bool gi_1384;
double g_ord_lots_1388;
double g_ord_lots_1396;
double gd_1404;
double gd_1412;
double g_price_1420;
double g_price_1428;
double g_price_1436;
double g_price_1444;
double gd_1452;
double gd_1460;
double gd_1468;
double gd_1476;
double gd_1484;
double g_ord_open_price_1492;
double g_ord_open_price_1500;
double g_price_1508;
double g_price_1516;
double g_price_1524;
double g_price_1532;
double gd_1540;
double gd_1548;
double g_ord_open_price_1556;
double g_ord_open_price_1564;
double g_price_1572;
double g_price_1580;
double g_ord_open_price_1588;
double g_ord_open_price_1596;
double gd_1604;
double gd_1612;
double gd_1620;
double gd_1628;
double gd_1636;
double g_price_1644;
double g_price_1652;
double g_high_1660;
double g_low_1668;
double g_ord_open_price_1676;
double g_ord_open_price_1684;
double gd_1692;
double gd_1700;
int g_file_1708;
int g_file_1712;
int gi_1716;
string gs_unused_1720 = "Color Settings";
string gs_1728 = "";
int g_magic_1736 = 12345;
string gs_1740 = "2030.07.10 23:59";
int gi_unused_1748 = 219517;
string gs_1752;
string gs_1760;
string gs_1768;
string gs_1776;
string gs_1784;
string gs_1792;
string gs_1800;
string gs_1808;
string gs_1816;
string g_name_1824 = "initialbalance.txt";
string gs_dummy_1832;
bool gi_1840;
int gi_1848;
int gi_1852;
bool gi_1856;
bool gi_1860;
double g_ask_1868;
double g_bid_1876;
double gd_1884;
double gd_1892;
double gd_1900;
double g_ord_open_price_1908;
double g_ord_open_price_1916;
double gd_1924;
double gd_1932;
double gd_1940;
double g_lots_1948;
double g_price_1956;
double g_price_1964;
double g_lots_1972;
double g_lots_1980;
double gd_1988;
double g_price_1996;
double g_price_2004;
double g_price_2012;
double g_price_2020;
double g_str2dbl_2028;
double gd_2036;
double g_ord_open_price_2044;
double g_ord_open_price_2052;
double g_ord_stoploss_2060;
double g_ord_stoploss_2068;
double gd_2076;
double gd_2084;
double gd_2092;
double gd_2100;
double gd_2108;
double gd_2116;
double g_ask_2124;
double g_bid_2132;
double gd_2140;
double gd_2148;
double gd_2156;
double gd_2164;
double gd_2172;
double gd_2180;
double gd_2188;
double g_lots_2196;
double g_lots_2204;
double gd_2212;
double gd_2220;
bool gi_2228;
bool gi_2232 = TRUE;
double g_ord_open_price_2236;
double gd_2244;
double gd_2252;
double g_price_2260;
double g_price_2268;
double g_ord_open_price_2276;
double gd_2284;
double gd_2292;
double g_price_2300;
double g_price_2308;
double g_lots_2316;
double gd_2324;
double g_point_2332;
double gd_2340;
double gd_2348;
string gs_2356;
string gs_2364;
int gi_2372 = 65535;
int gi_2376 = 16760576;
int gi_2380 = 3329330;
int gi_unused_2384 = 14772545;
int gi_2388 = 255;
int gi_2392 = 55295;
int gi_2396 = 16443110;
int gi_2400 = 9221330;
int gi_2404 = 8388352;
int gi_unused_2408 = 13499135;
int gi_2412 = 11119017;
int gi_2416 = 0;
int gi_2420 = 0;
int gi_2424 = 20;
int gi_2428 = 35;
int gi_2432 = 50;
int gi_2436 = 65;
int gi_2440 = 80;
int gi_2444 = 95;
int gi_2448 = 110;
int gi_2452 = 125;
int gi_2456 = 140;
int gi_2460 = 155;
int gi_2464 = 170;
int gi_2468 = 185;
int gi_2472 = 200;
int gi_2476 = 215;
int gi_2480 = 230;
int gi_2484 = 245;
int gi_2488 = 260;
int gi_2492 = 275;
int gi_2496 = 290;
int gi_2500 = 305;
int gi_2504 = 320;
int gi_2508 = 335;
int gi_2512 = 350;
int gi_2516 = 365;
int gi_2520 = 380;
int gi_2524 = 0;
int gi_2528 = 0;
int gi_2532 = 0;
void LABEL(string a_name_0, string a_text_8, string a_fontname_16, int ai_24, int ai_28, color a_color_32) {
if (ObjectFind(a_name_0) < 0) ObjectCreate(a_name_0, OBJ_LABEL, 0, 0, 0);
ObjectSetText(a_name_0, a_text_8, 9, a_fontname_16, a_color_32);
ObjectSet(a_name_0, OBJPROP_CORNER, 0);
ObjectSet(a_name_0, OBJPROP_XDISTANCE, ai_24 + 5 + gi_2416);
ObjectSet(a_name_0, OBJPROP_YDISTANCE, ai_28 + 15 + gi_2420);
int start() {
int l_file_0;
if (IsTesting()) {
Alert("This Expert Advisor cant be tested by Strategy Tester!");
return (0);
LABEL("TITLE_", gs_76, "Arial Bold", 0, gi_2424, gi_2372);
while (!(ObjectFind("TITLE_") < 0)) {
if (AutoCalculateLot == TRUE) {
if (gd_1940 != AccountBalance()) {
gd_1940 = AccountBalance();
if (LotEquityRatio > 0.0) gd_1924 = gd_1940 * LotEquityRatio;
else gd_1924 = gd_1940;
if (MarketInfo(Symbol(), MODE_MINLOT) == 1.0) {
if (gd_1924 >= 100000.0) gd_1932 = MathRound(0.00001 * gd_1924);
if (gd_1924 < 100000.0) gd_1932 = MarketInfo(Symbol(), MODE_MINLOT);
if (MarketInfo(Symbol(), MODE_MINLOT) == 0.1) {
if (gd_1924 >= 100000.0) gd_1932 = MathRound(0.00001 * gd_1924);
if (gd_1924 < 100000.0 && gd_1924 >= 10000.0) gd_1932 = MathRound(gd_1924 / 10000.0) / 10.0;
if (gd_1924 < 10000.0) gd_1932 = MarketInfo(Symbol(), MODE_MINLOT);
if (MarketInfo(Symbol(), MODE_MINLOT) == 0.01) {
if (gd_1924 >= 100000.0) gd_1932 = MathRound(0.00001 * gd_1924);
if (gd_1924 < 100000.0 && gd_1924 >= 10000.0) gd_1932 = MathRound(gd_1924 / 10000.0) / 10.0;
if (gd_1924 < 10000.0 && gd_1924 >= 1000.0) gd_1932 = MathRound(gd_1924 / 1000.0) / 100.0;
if (gd_1924 < 1000.0) gd_1932 = MarketInfo(Symbol(), MODE_MINLOT);
if (OnlyAllowDecreaseLot == FALSE)
if (g_lots_1948 != gd_1932) g_lots_1948 = gd_1932;
if (OnlyAllowDecreaseLot == TRUE)
if (g_lots_1948 == 0.0 || g_lots_1948 > gd_1932) g_lots_1948 = gd_1932;
} else g_lots_1948 = LotSize;
if (gi_344 == TRUE) {
DisableTrailingStop = TRUE;
Doubler = FALSE;
CloseOneCloseAll = FALSE;
StopLoopTime = "0";
if (Mode == "pyr") {
LotSize = 0.2;
AveragingHedgeGap = 10;
AveragingMultiplier = 2;
AveragingTakeProfit = 15;
increase = 0;
Hedging = FALSE;
gi_300 = FALSE;
Averaging = TRUE;
MaxLotStop = 1;
StartFromHiLow = TRUE;
Mode = "pyramid";
gd_2244 = 0;
gd_2284 = 0;
gd_2252 = 0;
gd_2292 = 0;
g_price_2260 = 0;
g_price_2300 = 0;
g_price_2268 = 0;
g_price_2308 = 0;
g_ord_lots_1388 = 0;
g_ord_lots_1396 = 0;
gd_2108 = 0;
gd_2116 = 0;
gd_2140 = 0;
gd_2148 = 0;
gd_2156 = 0;
gd_2164 = 0;
g_point_2332 = MarketInfo(Symbol(), MODE_POINT);
if (MarketInfo(Symbol(), MODE_DIGITS) == 3.0 || MarketInfo(Symbol(), MODE_DIGITS) == 5.0) {
gd_2348 = MarketInfo(Symbol(), MODE_STOPLEVEL) / 10.0;
gd_2340 = 10.0 * g_point_2332;
} else {
gd_2340 = g_point_2332;
gd_2348 = MarketInfo(Symbol(), MODE_STOPLEVEL);
if (gd_2324 < MarketInfo(Symbol(), MODE_ASK) - MarketInfo(Symbol(), MODE_BID)) gd_2324 = MarketInfo(Symbol(), MODE_ASK) - MarketInfo(Symbol(), MODE_BID);
if (MaxRiskPercentage > 100.0) MaxRiskPercentage = 100.0;
if (gd_1884 == 0.0) gd_1884 = AccountBalance();
if (gi_348 == TRUE) {
g_error_756 = GetLastError();
if (g_error_756 != 0/* NO_ERROR */) {
Print("Error = ", ErrorDescription(g_error_756), " while deleting Balance Amount");
gi_348 = FALSE;
gi_684 = FALSE;
Print("Successfully Reseting Balance");
gi_348 = FALSE;
if (gd_356 > 0.0) {
g_str2dbl_2028 = gd_356;
g_file_1708 = FileOpen(g_name_1824, FILE_CSV|FILE_WRITE);
for (int l_count_4 = 0; l_count_4 < 1; l_count_4++) gi_1716 = FileWrite(g_file_1708, DoubleToStr(gd_356, 2));
if (gi_1716 > 0) {
Print("InitialBalance is ", g_str2dbl_2028);
gd_356 = 0;
Print("MSInitialBalance= ", DoubleToStr(gd_356, 2));
} else {
Print("Failed setting InitialBalance");
gi_684 = FALSE;
} else {
if (gd_1988 != AccountBalance()) {
l_file_0 = FileOpen(g_name_1824, FILE_CSV|FILE_READ);
gd_1988 = AccountBalance();
if (l_file_0 > 0) {
gs_1816 = FileReadString(l_file_0);
g_str2dbl_2028 = StrToDouble(gs_1816);
if (l_file_0 < 0) {
g_file_1712 = FileOpen(g_name_1824, FILE_CSV|FILE_WRITE);
if (g_file_1712 > 0) {
for (l_count_4 = 0; l_count_4 < 1; l_count_4++) FileWrite(g_file_1712, DoubleToStr(gd_1988, 2));
g_str2dbl_2028 = AccountBalance();
if (g_file_1712 < 0) {
Print("File Error. Closing Expert Advisor.");
gi_684 = FALSE;
if (!(ObjectFind("LABEL_OFF") < 0)) {
if (gi_724 == 0) {
Alert("5.If no smiley. Check Expert Advisor Icon");
Alert("4.Drag EA to chart until smiley appears");
Alert("3.Right Mouse->Object List->Delete Label_OFF");
Alert("2.Right Mouse->Expert Advisor->Remove");
Alert("1.Clear all active positions");
Alert("EA is OFF, to restart EA :");
gi_724 = 1;
if (gi_724 == 1) {
gi_684 = FALSE;
gi_724 = 2;
if (gi_696 == TRUE) {
if (ObjectsTotal() > 0) ObjectsDeleteAll();
if (ObjectsTotal() <= 0) gi_696 = FALSE;
LABEL("LABEL_EXPIRE", "EA Expire: " + gs_1740, "Arial Bold", 220, gi_2428, gi_2404);
if (TimeLocal() < StrToTime(StartEATime)) {
gi_684 = FALSE;
gi_708 = TRUE;
if (BuyOrders() + SellOrders() > 0) CancelPending();
if (gi_712 == TRUE) {
if (TimeLocal() >= StrToTime(StartEATime)) {
if (EndEATime > "0" && TimeLocal() >= StrToTime(EndEATime)) {
gi_684 = FALSE;
gi_712 = FALSE;
gs_1728 = "EndEATime";
if (EndEATime > "0" && TimeLocal() < StrToTime(EndEATime)) {
gi_708 = FALSE;
gi_712 = FALSE;
gi_684 = TRUE;
if (StrToTime(gs_1740) < TimeCurrent()) {
if (gi_1372 == FALSE) {
MessageBox("Your Account is expired. Please contact abdalla27005@yahoo.co.id ; skype: abdalla2705");
gi_1372 = TRUE;
gi_684 = FALSE;
gi_704 = TRUE;
if (gi_704 != TRUE) break;
LABEL("LABEL_OFF", "Expert Advisor is EXPIRED", "Arial Bold", 0, gi_2428, gi_2388);
if (StrToTime(gs_1740) < TimeLocal()) {
if (gi_1372 == FALSE) {
MessageBox("Your Account is expired. Please contact abdalla27005@yahoo.co.id ; skype: abdalla2705");
gi_1372 = TRUE;
gi_684 = FALSE;
gi_704 = TRUE;
if (gi_704 != TRUE) break;
LABEL("LABEL_OFF", "Expert Advisor is EXPIRED", "Arial Bold", 0, gi_2428, gi_2388);
if ((Hedging == TRUE && Averaging == TRUE) || (Hedging == TRUE && gi_344 == TRUE) || (Hedging == TRUE && gi_300 == TRUE) || (Averaging == TRUE && gi_300 == TRUE) ||
(Averaging == TRUE && gi_344 == TRUE)) {
if (gi_1856 == FALSE) {
Alert("~~~~ ( o o ) ~~~~");
Alert("~~~~ \\|// ~~~~");
if (Hedging == TRUE && Averaging == TRUE) Alert("Hedging & Averaging could not run at once");
if (Hedging == TRUE && gi_344 == TRUE) Alert("Hedging & MS could not run at once");
if (Hedging == TRUE && gi_300 == TRUE) Alert("Hedging & Corr could not run at once");
if (Averaging == TRUE && gi_344 == TRUE) Alert("Averaging & MS could not run at once");
if (Averaging == TRUE && gi_300 == TRUE) Alert("Averaging & Corr could not run at once");
if (gi_344 == TRUE && gi_300 == TRUE) Alert("MS & Corr could not run at once");
gi_1856 = TRUE;
gi_684 = FALSE;
if (AccountBalance() < MarketInfo(Symbol(), MODE_MARGINREQUIRED) * MarketInfo(Symbol(), MODE_MINLOT) + MarketInfo(Symbol(), MODE_SPREAD) * MarketInfo(Symbol(), MODE_TICKVALUE) * MarketInfo(Symbol(), MODE_MINLOT)) {
if (gi_1860 == FALSE) Alert("Your Account Balance is not enough");
gi_1860 = TRUE;
gi_684 = FALSE;
if (gi_684 == TRUE) {
LABEL("LABEL_ON", "Expert Advisor is ON", "Arial Bold", 0, gi_2428, gi_2404);
if (!IsExpertEnabled()) {
if (gi_1840 == FALSE) {
Alert("Send email/YM to abdalla27005@yahoo.co.id");
Alert("skype : abdalla2705");
Alert("Do not turn off Expert Advisor while running!");
gi_1840 = TRUE;
} else {
if (gi_708 == TRUE) {
LABEL("LABEL_ON", "Waiting to Start. Time Left " + ((StrToTime(StartEATime) - TimeLocal())) + " sec", "Arial Bold", 0, gi_2428, gi_2388);
if (gi_708 == FALSE) {
if (gi_1384 == FALSE) {
if (gi_1856 != TRUE && gi_1860 != TRUE) MessageDisplay();
gi_1384 = TRUE;
LABEL("LABEL_OFF", "Expert Advisor is OFF", "Arial Bold", 0, gi_2428, gi_2388);
if (gi_684 == TRUE) {
if (MarketInfo(Symbol(), MODE_DIGITS) == 3.0 || MarketInfo(Symbol(), MODE_DIGITS) == 5.0) {
gd_2212 = MarketInfo(Symbol(), MODE_SPREAD) / 10.0;
gd_2220 = MarketInfo(Symbol(), MODE_STOPLEVEL) / 10.0;
} else {
gd_2212 = MarketInfo(Symbol(), MODE_SPREAD);
gd_2220 = MarketInfo(Symbol(), MODE_STOPLEVEL);
gd_1900 = (MarketInfo(Symbol(), MODE_HIGH) - MarketInfo(Symbol(), MODE_LOW)) / MarketInfo(Symbol(), MODE_POINT);
gs_1768 = "\n[MINLOT " + DoubleToStr(MarketInfo(Symbol(), MODE_MINLOT), 3) + "] [HI-LOW " + DoubleToStr(gd_1900, 0) + "] [SPREAD " + DoubleToStr(gd_2212, 1) + "] www.brokerfxopen.com.com";
if (IsDemo() == TRUE) gs_1776 = "DEMO";
else gs_1776 = "REAL";
Comment("[LOCAL ", TimeToStr(TimeLocal(), TIME_DATE|TIME_SECONDS), "] [SERVER ", TimeToStr(TimeCurrent(), TIME_DATE|TIME_SECONDS), "] [1:", AccountLeverage(), "] [DIGITS ", Digits, "] [MIN RANGE ", DoubleToStr(gd_2220, 1) +
"] [" + gs_1776 + "]" + gs_1768);
if (BuyLots() > SellLots()) LABEL("SEQUENCE_", "BUY Cycle Active", "Arial Bold", 0, gi_2432, gi_2376);
if (BuyLots() < SellLots()) LABEL("SEQUENCE_", "SELL Cycle Active", "Arial Bold", 0, gi_2432, gi_2376);
if (BuyLots() + SellLots() > 0.0)
if (BuyLots() == SellLots()) LABEL("SEQUENCE_", "FULL HEDGING", "Arial Bold", 0, gi_2432, gi_2376);
if (BuyLots() + SellLots() == 0.0)
if (BuyLots() == SellLots()) LABEL("SEQUENCE_", "Waiting for sequence", "Arial Bold", 0, gi_2432, gi_2376);
if (BuyOpen() + SellOpen() > 0) LABEL("BUYROW_", "Buy Row: " + BuyOpen() + " Sell Row: " + SellOpen(), "Arial Bold", 135, gi_2432, gi_2376);
else LABEL("BUYROW_", "Buy Row: " + BuyOpen() + "Sell Row: " + SellOpen(), "Arial Bold", 135, gi_2432, gi_2412);
if (gd_988 > 0.0) LABEL("GAP_", "Gap : " + DoubleToStr(gd_988 / gd_2340, 0), "Arial Bold", 325, gi_2432, gi_2376);
else ObjectDelete("GAP_");
if (Straddle == TRUE) {
if (g_ord_open_price_1492 > 0.0) {
LABEL("STRADDLE_BUY_", "Straddle Buy @ " + DoubleToStr(g_lots_1948, 3) + " Lots @ " + DoubleToStr(g_ord_open_price_1492, Digits) + " TP: " + DoubleToStr(g_price_1508, Digits) +
" SL: " + DoubleToStr(g_price_1516, Digits), "Arial Bold", 0, gi_2436, gi_2380);
} else {
LABEL("STRADDLE_BUY_", "Straddle Buy @ " + DoubleToStr(g_lots_1948, 3) + " Lots @ " + DoubleToStr(g_ord_open_price_1492, Digits) + " TP: " + DoubleToStr(g_price_1508, Digits) +
" SL: " + DoubleToStr(g_price_1516, Digits), "Arial Bold", 0, gi_2436, gi_2412);
if (g_ord_open_price_1500 > 0.0) {
LABEL("STRADDLE_SELL_", "Straddle Sell @ " + DoubleToStr(g_lots_1948, 3) + " Lots @ " + DoubleToStr(g_ord_open_price_1500, Digits) + " TP: " + DoubleToStr(g_price_1524, Digits) +
" SL: " + DoubleToStr(g_price_1532, Digits), "Arial Bold", 0, gi_2440, gi_2388);
} else {
LABEL("STRADDLE_SELL_", "Straddle Sell @ " + DoubleToStr(g_lots_1948, 3) + " Lots @ " + DoubleToStr(g_ord_open_price_1500, Digits) + " TP: " + DoubleToStr(g_price_1524, Digits) +
" SL: " + DoubleToStr(g_price_1532, Digits), "Arial Bold", 0, gi_2440, gi_2412);
if (g_ord_open_price_1492 + g_ord_open_price_1500 > 0.0) LABEL("STRADDLE_INFO_", "[Straddle] Range: " + StraddleRange + " TP: " + StraddleTakeProfit + " SL: " + StraddleStopLoss, "Arial Bold", 0, gi_2444, gi_2376);
else LABEL("STRADDLE_INFO_", "[Straddle] Range: " + StraddleRange + " TP: " + StraddleTakeProfit + " SL: " + StraddleStopLoss, "Arial Bold", 0, gi_2444, gi_2412);
if (Averaging == TRUE && StartFromHiLow == TRUE) {
if (BuyOpen() + SellOpen() > 0) gi_2228 = FALSE;
else gi_2228 = TRUE;
if (gi_2228 == TRUE) {
if (BuyOrders() > 0) LABEL("HILOW_BUY_", "HiLow Buy @ " + DoubleToStr(g_lots_1948, 3) + " Lots @ " + DoubleToStr(g_ord_open_price_1676, Digits), "Arial Bold", 0, gi_2436, gi_2380);
else LABEL("HILOW_BUY_", "HiLow Buy @ " + DoubleToStr(g_lots_1948, 3) + " Lots @ " + DoubleToStr(g_ord_open_price_1676, Digits), "Arial Bold", 0, gi_2436, gi_2412);
if (SellOrders() > 0) LABEL("HILOW_SELL_", "HiLow Sell @ " + DoubleToStr(g_lots_1948, 3) + " Lots @ " + DoubleToStr(g_ord_open_price_1684, Digits), "Arial Bold", 0, gi_2440, gi_2388);
else LABEL("HILOW_SELL_", "HiLow Sell @ " + DoubleToStr(g_lots_1948, 3) + " Lots @ " + DoubleToStr(g_ord_open_price_1684, Digits), "Arial Bold", 0, gi_2440, gi_2412);
if (BuyOrders() + SellOrders() > 0) LABEL("HILOW_INFO_", "[HiLow] Gap: " + MinimumHiLowRange + " Current: " + DoubleToStr(gd_1900, 0) + " HiLow Range: " + RangeFromHiLow + " Indi Level: " + HiLowIndicatorLevel, "Arial Bold", 0, gi_2444, gi_2376);
else LABEL("HILOW_INFO_", "[HiLow] Gap: " + MinimumHiLowRange + " Current: " + DoubleToStr(gd_1900, 0) + " HiLow Range: " + RangeFromHiLow + " Indi Level: " + HiLowIndicatorLevel, "Arial Bold", 0, gi_2444, gi_2412);
if (Straddle == FALSE && gi_2228 == FALSE) {
if (gi_344 == TRUE) LABEL("EMA_", "[Init] Bal: " + DoubleToStr(g_str2dbl_2028, 2) + " Cut P/L($): " + gi_384 + " ReB: B @" + DoubleToStr(gd_1692, Digits) + " S @" + DoubleToStr(gd_1700, Digits), "Arial Bold", 0, gi_2448, gi_2392);
else {
if (InitialOrder == "auto" || InitialOrder == "m" || InitialOrder == "manual" || InitialOrder == "buy auto" || InitialOrder == "sell auto" || InitialOrder == "ba" ||
InitialOrder == "sa") {
if (InitialOrder == "m") InitialOrder = "manual";
if (InitialOrder == "a") InitialOrder = "auto";
if (InitialOrder == "ba") InitialOrder = "buy auto";
if (InitialOrder == "sa") InitialOrder = "sell auto";
LABEL("EMA_", "[Init] Short EMA: " + ShortEMA + " Long EMA: " + LongEMA + " Order: " + InitialOrder + ", " + Mode, "Arial Bold", 0, gi_2448, gi_2392);
} else ObjectDelete("EMA_");
if (gi_344 == FALSE) {
if (Hedging == TRUE || Averaging == TRUE) {
if (increase > 0) {
if (gi_772 >= IncreaseStartLevel) LABEL("INCREASE_", "[Increase] Range" + increase + " Start: " + IncreaseStartLevel + " End: " + IncreaseEndLevel, "Arial Bold", 0, gi_2452, gi_2396);
else LABEL("INCREASE_", "[Increase] Range" + increase + " Start: " + IncreaseStartLevel + " End: " + IncreaseEndLevel, "Arial Bold", 0, gi_2452, gi_2412);
} else LABEL("INCREASE_", "[Increase] is OFF", "Arial Bold", 0, gi_2452, gi_2412);
if (Hedging == TRUE) LABEL("RANGE_", "[Current] Range: " + ((HedgeGap + increase * gi_776)) + " Level: " + gi_772 + " of " + MaxLevelAllowed + " P/L: " + DoubleToStr(AccountProfit(), 2), "Arial Bold", 0, gi_2456, gi_2400);
if (Averaging == TRUE) LABEL("RANGE_", "[Current] Range: " + ((AveragingHedgeGap + increase * gi_776)) + " Level: " + gi_772 + " of " + MaxLevelAllowed + " P/L: " + DoubleToStr(AccountProfit(), 2), "Arial Bold", 0, gi_2456, gi_2400);
if (BuyLots() + SellLots() > 0.0 && BuyLots() == SellLots()) {
LABEL("FULLHEDGE_", "[Basic] Full Hedging Position. Closing at " + CloseWhileHedgingProfit + " point(s) profit", "Arial Bold", 0, gi_2460, gi_2376);
} else {
if (Hedging == TRUE) {
LABEL("INITIALRANGE_", "[Basic] Hedge Gap: " + HedgeGap + " Multiplier: " + DoubleToStr(Multiplier, 2) + " Lot " + DoubleToStr(g_lots_1948, 3) + " TP: " + TakeProfit +
" SL: " + StopLoss, "Arial Bold", 0, gi_2460, gi_2376);
if (Averaging == TRUE) {
LABEL("INITIALRANGE_", "[Basic] Average Gap: " + AveragingHedgeGap + " Multiplier: " + DoubleToStr(AveragingMultiplier, 2) + " Lot " + DoubleToStr(g_lots_1948, 3) +
" TP: " + AveragingTakeProfit + " SL: " + AveragingStopLoss, "Arial Bold", 0, gi_2460, gi_2376);
if (MaxLotStop > 0.0) LABEL("MAXLOTSTOP_", "Max Lot Stop: " + DoubleToStr(MaxLotStop, 3), "Arial Bold", 350, gi_2460, gi_2376);
else ObjectDelete("MAXLOTSTOP_");
} else {
if (gi_344 == TRUE) {
LABEL("RANGE_", "[Current] Range: " + gi_364 + " Bal: " + DoubleToStr(AccountBalance(), 2) + " Cum P/L: " + DoubleToStr(gd_2036, 2) + " P/L: " + DoubleToStr(AccountProfit(), 2), "Arial Bold", 0, gi_2456, gi_2400);
LABEL("INITIALRANGE_", "[Basic] MS Adj Pend: " + gi_388 + " TP: " + gi_368 + " SL: " + gi_372 + " TS: " + gi_376 + " ReB: " + gi_380, "Arial Bold", 0, gi_2460, gi_2376);
if (AutoCalculateLot == TRUE) {
gs_1792 = "ON";
if (OnlyAllowDecreaseLot == TRUE) gs_1800 = "ON";
else gs_1800 = "OFF";
LABEL("AUTOLOT_", "[Basic] AutoCalLot: " + gs_1792 + " DecLot: " + gs_1800 + " LotRatio: " + DoubleToStr(LotEquityRatio, 2), "Arial Bold", 0, gi_2464, gi_2376);
} else {
gs_1792 = "OFF";
LABEL("AUTOLOT_", "[Basic] AutoCalLot: OFF", "Arial Bold", 0, gi_2464, gi_2412);
if (DisableTrailingStop == FALSE) {
if (TrailingStop > 0) {
if (BuyLots() > SellLots()) {
if (g_bid_996 > 0.0 || gd_1604 != g_bid_996) {
LABEL("TRAILINGSTOPBUY_", "[TS] Buy Range: " + TrailingStop + " (" + DoubleToStr(gd_956, Digits) + ") ReB: " + Rebound + " (" + DoubleToStr(gd_860, Digits) + ") Start: " +
TrailingStopStartLevel + " End: " + TrailingStopEndLevel, "Arial Bold", 0, gi_2468, gi_2380);
LABEL("TRAILINGSTOPBUY_BEP_", " BEP: " + DoubleToStr(g_bid_996, Digits), "Arial Bold", 350, gi_2468, gi_2380);
} else {
LABEL("TRAILINGSTOPBUY_", "[TS] Buy Range: " + TrailingStop + " (" + DoubleToStr(gd_956, Digits) + ") ReB: " + Rebound + " (" + DoubleToStr(gd_860, Digits) + ") Start: " +
TrailingStopStartLevel + " End: " + TrailingStopEndLevel, "Arial Bold", 0, gi_2468, gi_2412);
LABEL("TRAILINGSTOPBUY_BEP_", " BEP: " + DoubleToStr(g_bid_996, Digits), "Arial Bold", 350, gi_2468, gi_2412);
if (SellLots() > BuyLots()) {
if (g_ask_1004 > 0.0) {
LABEL("TRAILINGSTOPSELL_", "[TS] Sell Range: " + TrailingStop + " (" + DoubleToStr(gd_964, Digits) + ") ReB: " + Rebound + " (" + DoubleToStr(gd_868, Digits) + ") Start: " +
TrailingStopStartLevel + " End: " + TrailingStopEndLevel, "Arial Bold", 0, gi_2468, gi_2380);
LABEL("TRAILINGSTOPSELL_BEP_", " BEP: " + DoubleToStr(g_ask_1004, Digits), "Arial Bold", 350, gi_2468, gi_2380);
} else {
LABEL("TRAILINGSTOPSELL_", "[TS] Sell Range: " + TrailingStop + " (" + DoubleToStr(gd_964, Digits) + ") ReB: " + Rebound + " (" + DoubleToStr(gd_868, Digits) + ") Start: " +
TrailingStopStartLevel + " End: " + TrailingStopEndLevel, "Arial Bold", 0, gi_2468, gi_2412);
LABEL("TRAILINGSTOPSELL_BEP_", " BEP: " + DoubleToStr(g_ask_1004, Digits), "Arial Bold", 350, gi_2468, gi_2412);
} else LABEL("TRAILINGSTOP_", "[TS] is OFF ", "Arial Bold", 0, gi_2468, gi_2412);
if (TrailingStop_2 > 0) {
if (BuyLots() > SellLots()) {
if (g_bid_1012 > 0.0) {
LABEL("TRAILINGSTOPBUY_2_", "[TS 2] Buy Range: " + TrailingStop_2 + " (" + DoubleToStr(gd_1020, Digits) + ") ReB: " + Rebound_2 + " (" + DoubleToStr(gd_1044, Digits) +
") Start: " + TrailingStop_2_StartLevel + " End: " + TrailingStop_2_EndLevel, "Arial Bold", 0, gi_2472, gi_2380);
LABEL("TRAILINGSTOPBUY_2_BEP_", " BEP: " + DoubleToStr(g_bid_1012, Digits), "Arial Bold", 350, gi_2472, gi_2380);
} else {
LABEL("TRAILINGSTOPBUY_2_", "[TS 2] Buy Range: " + TrailingStop_2 + " (" + DoubleToStr(gd_1020, Digits) + ") ReB: " + Rebound_2 + " (" + DoubleToStr(gd_1044, Digits) +
") Start: " + TrailingStop_2_StartLevel + " End: " + TrailingStop_2_EndLevel, "Arial Bold", 0, gi_2472, gi_2412);
LABEL("TRAILINGSTOPBUY_2_BEP_", " BEP: " + DoubleToStr(g_bid_1012, Digits), "Arial Bold", 350, gi_2472, gi_2412);
if (SellLots() > BuyLots()) {
if (g_ask_1052 > 0.0) {
LABEL("TRAILINGSTOPSELL_2_", "[TS 2] Sell Range: " + TrailingStop_2 + " (" + DoubleToStr(gd_1060, Digits) + ") ReB: " + Rebound_2 + " (" + DoubleToStr(gd_1084, Digits) +
") Start: " + TrailingStop_2_StartLevel + " End: " + TrailingStop_2_EndLevel, "Arial Bold", 0, gi_2472, gi_2380);
LABEL("TRAILINGSTOPSELL_2_BEP_", " BEP: " + DoubleToStr(g_ask_1052, Digits), "Arial Bold", 350, gi_2472, gi_2380);
} else {
LABEL("TRAILINGSTOPSELL_2_", "[TS 2] Sell Range: " + TrailingStop_2 + " (" + DoubleToStr(gd_1060, Digits) + ") ReB: " + Rebound_2 + " (" + DoubleToStr(gd_1084, Digits) +
") Start: " + TrailingStop_2_StartLevel + " End: " + TrailingStop_2_EndLevel, "Arial Bold", 0, gi_2472, gi_2412);
LABEL("TRAILINGSTOPSELL_2_BEP_", " BEP: " + DoubleToStr(g_ask_1052, Digits), "Arial Bold", 350, gi_2472, gi_2412);
} else LABEL("TRAILINGSTOP_2_", "[TS 2] is OFF", "Arial Bold", 0, gi_2472, gi_2412);
if (TrailingStop_3 > 0) {
if (BuyLots() > SellLots()) {
if (g_bid_1092 > 0.0) {
LABEL("TRAILINGSTOPBUY_3_", "[TS 3] Buy Range: " + TrailingStop_3 + " (" + DoubleToStr(gd_1100, Digits) + ") ReB: " + Rebound_3 + " (" + DoubleToStr(gd_1124, Digits) +
") Start: " + TrailingStop_3_StartLevel + " End: " + TrailingStop_3_EndLevel, "Arial Bold", 0, gi_2476, gi_2380);
LABEL("TRAILINGSTOPBUY_3_BEP_", " BEP: " + DoubleToStr(g_bid_1092, Digits), "Arial Bold", 350, gi_2476, gi_2380);
} else {
LABEL("TRAILINGSTOPBUY_3_", "[TS 3] Buy Range: " + TrailingStop_3 + " (" + DoubleToStr(gd_1100, Digits) + ") ReB: " + Rebound_3 + " (" + DoubleToStr(gd_1124, Digits) +
") Start: " + TrailingStop_3_StartLevel + " End: " + TrailingStop_3_EndLevel, "Arial Bold", 0, gi_2476, gi_2412);
LABEL("TRAILINGSTOPBUY_3_BEP_", " BEP: " + DoubleToStr(g_bid_1092, Digits), "Arial Bold", 350, gi_2476, gi_2412);
if (SellLots() > BuyLots()) {
if (g_bid_1092 > 0.0) {
LABEL("TRAILINGSTOPSELL_3_", "[TS 3] Sell Range: " + TrailingStop_3 + " (" + DoubleToStr(gd_1140, Digits) + ") ReB: " + Rebound_3 + " (" + DoubleToStr(gd_1164, Digits) +
") Start: " + TrailingStop_3_StartLevel + " End: " + TrailingStop_3_EndLevel, "Arial Bold", 0, gi_2476, gi_2380);
LABEL("TRAILINGSTOPSELL_3_BEP_", " BEP: " + DoubleToStr(g_ask_1132, Digits), "Arial Bold", 350, gi_2476, gi_2380);
} else {
LABEL("TRAILINGSTOPSELL_3_", "[TS 3] Sell Range: " + TrailingStop_3 + " (" + DoubleToStr(gd_1140, Digits) + ") ReB: " + Rebound_3 + " (" + DoubleToStr(gd_1164, Digits) +
") Start: " + TrailingStop_3_StartLevel + " End: " + TrailingStop_3_EndLevel, "Arial Bold", 0, gi_2476, gi_2412);
LABEL("TRAILINGSTOPSELL_3_BEP_", " BEP: " + DoubleToStr(g_ask_1132, Digits), "Arial Bold", 350, gi_2476, gi_2412);
} else LABEL("TrailingStop_3_", "[TS 3] is OFF", "Arial Bold", 0, gi_2476, gi_2412);
if (TrailingStop_4 > 0) {
if (BuyLots() > SellLots()) {
if (g_bid_1172 > 0.0) {
LABEL("TRAILINGSTOPBUY_4_", "[TS 4] Buy Range: " + TrailingStop_4 + " (" + DoubleToStr(gd_1180, Digits) + ") ReB: " + Rebound_4 + " (" + DoubleToStr(gd_1204, Digits) +
") Start: " + TrailingStop_4_StartLevel + " End: " + TrailingStop_4_EndLevel, "Arial Bold", 0, gi_2480, gi_2380);
LABEL("TRAILINGSTOPBUY_4_BEP_", " BEP: " + DoubleToStr(g_bid_1172, Digits), "Arial Bold", 350, gi_2480, gi_2380);
} else {
LABEL("TRAILINGSTOPBUY_4_", "[TS 4] Buy Range: " + TrailingStop_4 + " (" + DoubleToStr(gd_1180, Digits) + ") ReB: " + Rebound_4 + " (" + DoubleToStr(gd_1204, Digits) +
") Start: " + TrailingStop_4_StartLevel + " End: " + TrailingStop_4_EndLevel, "Arial Bold", 0, gi_2480, gi_2412);
LABEL("TRAILINGSTOPBUY_4_BEP_", " BEP: " + DoubleToStr(g_bid_1172, Digits), "Arial Bold", 350, gi_2480, gi_2412);
if (SellLots() > BuyLots()) {
if (g_bid_1172 > 0.0) {
LABEL("TRAILINGSTOPSELL_4_", "[TS 4] Sell Range: " + TrailingStop_4 + " (" + DoubleToStr(gd_1220, Digits) + ") ReB: " + Rebound_4 + " (" + DoubleToStr(gd_1244, Digits) +
") Start: " + TrailingStop_4_StartLevel + " End: " + TrailingStop_4_EndLevel, "Arial Bold", 0, gi_2480, gi_2380);
LABEL("TRAILINGSTOPSELL_4_BEP_", " BEP: " + DoubleToStr(g_ask_1212, Digits), "Arial Bold", 350, gi_2480, gi_2380);
} else {
LABEL("TRAILINGSTOPSELL_4_", "[TS 4] Sell Range: " + TrailingStop_4 + " (" + DoubleToStr(gd_1220, Digits) + ") ReB: " + Rebound_4 + " (" + DoubleToStr(gd_1244, Digits) +
") Start: " + TrailingStop_4_StartLevel + " End: " + TrailingStop_4_EndLevel, "Arial Bold", 0, gi_2480, gi_2412);
LABEL("TRAILINGSTOPSELL_4_BEP_", " BEP: " + DoubleToStr(g_ask_1212, Digits), "Arial Bold", 350, gi_2480, gi_2412);
} else LABEL("TrailingStop_4_", "[TS 4] is OFF", "Arial Bold", 0, gi_2480, gi_2412);
} else {
LABEL("TRAILINGSTOP_", "[TS] is OFF ", "Arial Bold", 0, gi_2468, gi_2412);
if (MaxRiskPercentage > 0.0) {
if (gd_1452 < 0.0) LABEL("MAXRISK_", "[Management] Risk %: " + DoubleToStr(gd_1452, 2) + " % of " + DoubleToStr(-MaxRiskPercentage, 2) + " %", "Arial Bold", 0, gi_2484, gi_2388);
else LABEL("MAXRISK_", "[Management] Risk %: " + DoubleToStr(gd_1452, 2) + " % of " + DoubleToStr(-MaxRiskPercentage, 2) + " %", "Arial Bold", 0, gi_2484, gi_2412);
} else LABEL("MAXRISK_", "[Management] Risk % is OFF ", "Arial Bold", 0, gi_2484, gi_2412);
if (MaxProfit > 0.0) {
if (AccountProfit() > 0.0) LABEL("MAXPROFIT_", "Profit($) " + DoubleToStr(AccountProfit(), 2) + " of " + DoubleToStr(MaxProfit, 2), "Arial Bold", 245, gi_2484, gi_2388);
else LABEL("MAXPROFIT_", "Profit($) " + DoubleToStr(AccountProfit(), 2) + " of " + DoubleToStr(MaxProfit, 2), "Arial Bold", 245, gi_2484, gi_2412);
} else LABEL("MAXPROFIT_", "Profit($) is OFF", "Arial Bold", 245, gi_2484, gi_2412);
if (CloseOneCloseAll == TRUE) {
gs_1808 = "ON";
LABEL("CLOSEONECLOSEALL_", "[Management] CloseOneCloseAll: " + gs_1808, "Arial Bold", 0, gi_2488, gi_2388);
} else {
gs_1808 = "OFF";
LABEL("CLOSEONECLOSEALL_", "[Management] CloseOneCloseAll: " + gs_1808, "Arial Bold", 0, gi_2488, gi_2412);
if (MaxLoss > 0.0) {
if (AccountProfit() < 0.0) LABEL("MAXLOSS_", "Loss($) " + DoubleToStr(AccountProfit(), 2) + " of -" + DoubleToStr(MaxLoss, 2), "Arial Bold", 245, gi_2488, gi_2388);
else LABEL("MAXLOSS_", "Loss($) " + DoubleToStr(AccountProfit(), 2) + " of -" + DoubleToStr(MaxLoss, 2), "Arial Bold", 245, gi_2488, gi_2412);
} else LABEL("MAXLOSS_", "Loss($) is OFF", "Arial Bold", 245, gi_2488, gi_2412);
if (Doubler == TRUE) {
if (DoublerBuyLots() + DoublerSellLots() > 0.0) {
LABEL("DOUBLER_", "[Doubler] Lot " + DoubleToStr(DoublerLotSize, 3) + " Range: " + DoublerRangeFromProfit + " TP: " + DoublerTakeProfit + " SL :" + DoublerStopLoss +
" Start : " + DoublerStartLevel + " End : " + DoublerEndLevel, "Arial Bold", 0, gi_2492, gi_2372);
LABEL("DOUBLER_2_", "[Doubler] Multiplier :" + DoubleToStr(DoublerMultiplier, 2) + " Addition: " + DoubleToStr(DoublerAddition, 3), "Arial Bold", 0, gi_2496, gi_2372);
if (DisableTrailingStop == TRUE) LABEL("DOUBLER_3_", "Disable TS: YES", "Arial Bold", 230, gi_2496, gi_2372);
else LABEL("DOUBLER_3_", "Disable TS: NO", "Arial Bold", 230, gi_2496, gi_2372);
} else {
LABEL("DOUBLER_", "[Doubler] Lot " + DoubleToStr(DoublerLotSize, 3) + " Range: " + DoublerRangeFromProfit + " TP: " + DoublerTakeProfit + " SL :" + DoublerStopLoss +
" Start : " + DoublerStartLevel + " End : " + DoublerEndLevel, "Arial Bold", 0, gi_2492, gi_2412);
LABEL("DOUBLER_2_", "[Doubler] Multiplier :" + DoubleToStr(DoublerMultiplier, 2) + " Addition: " + DoubleToStr(DoublerAddition, 3), "Arial Bold", 0, gi_2496, gi_2412);
if (DisableTrailingStop == TRUE) LABEL("DOUBLER_3_", "Disable TS: YES", "Arial Bold", 230, gi_2496, gi_2412);
else LABEL("DOUBLER_3_", "Disable TS: NO", "Arial Bold", 230, gi_2496, gi_2412);
if (DoublerBuyLots() > 0.0) {
LABEL("DOUBLER_BUY_ON", "[Doubler] Buy " + DoubleToStr(g_ord_lots_1348, 2) + " lots @ " + DoubleToStr(g_ord_open_price_1556, Digits) + " SL: " + DoubleToStr(g_price_1436, Digits) +
" TP: " + DoubleToStr(g_price_1420, Digits), "Arial Bold", 0, gi_2500, gi_2380);
LABEL("DOUBLER_BUY_2_ON", "[Doubler] Buy BEP @ " + DoubleToStr(g_ord_open_price_1556 - DoublerRangeFromProfit * gd_2340, Digits) + " Order " + g_count_1364 + " of " +
DoublerMaxOrder, "Arial Bold", 0, gi_2504, gi_2380);
} else {
LABEL("DOUBLER_BUY_OFF", "[Doubler] Buy " + DoubleToStr(g_lots_1316, 2) + " lots @ " + DoubleToStr(gd_1268, Digits) + " SL: " + DoubleToStr(g_price_1436, Digits) +
" TP: " + DoubleToStr(g_price_1420, Digits), "Arial Bold", 0, gi_2500, gi_2412);
LABEL("DOUBLER_BUY_2_OFF", "[Doubler] Buy BEP @ " + DoubleToStr(g_ask_1252, Digits) + " Order " + g_count_1364 + " of " + DoublerMaxOrder, "Arial Bold", 0, gi_2504, gi_2412);
if (DoublerSellLots() > 0.0) {
LABEL("DOUBLER_SELL_ON", "[Doubler] Sell " + DoubleToStr(g_ord_lots_1356, 2) + " lots @ " + DoubleToStr(g_ord_open_price_1564, Digits) + " SL: " + DoubleToStr(g_price_1444, Digits) +
" TP: " + DoubleToStr(g_price_1428, Digits), "Arial Bold", 0, gi_2508, gi_2388);
LABEL("DOUBLER_SELL_2_ON", "[Doubler] Sell BEP @ " + DoubleToStr(g_ord_open_price_1564 + DoublerRangeFromProfit * gd_2340, Digits) + " Order " + g_count_1368 + " of " +
DoublerMaxOrder, "Arial Bold", 0, gi_2512, gi_2388);
} else {
LABEL("DOUBLER_SELL_OFF", "[Doubler] Sell " + DoubleToStr(g_lots_1324, 2) + " lots @ " + DoubleToStr(gd_1276, Digits) + " SL: " + DoubleToStr(g_price_1444, Digits) +
" TP: " + DoubleToStr(g_price_1428, Digits), "Arial Bold", 0, gi_2508, gi_2412);
LABEL("DOUBLER_SELL_2_OFF", "[Doubler] Sell BEP @ " + DoubleToStr(g_bid_1260, Digits) + " Order " + g_count_1368 + " of " + DoublerMaxOrder, "Arial Bold", 0, gi_2512, gi_2412);
} else LABEL("DOUBLER_", "Doubler is OFF", "Arial Bold", 0, gi_2492, gi_2412);
if (StrToTime(StartEATime) > TimeLocal()) LABEL("START_TIME_", "[Time] Start " + StartEATime, "Arial Bold", 0, gi_2516, gi_2388);
else LABEL("START_TIME_", "[Time] Start " + StartEATime, "Arial Bold", 0, gi_2516, gi_2412);
if (StrToTime(EndEATime) > TimeLocal()) LABEL("END_TIME_", " End " + EndEATime, "Arial Bold", 180, gi_2516, gi_2388);
else LABEL("END_TIME_", " End " + EndEATime, "Arial Bold", 180, gi_2516, gi_2412);
if (gi_344 == FALSE) {
if (Hedging == TRUE || Averaging == TRUE) {
if (StrToTime(StopLoopTime) > TimeLocal()) LABEL("STOP_LOOP_TIME_", "[Loop End Time] " + StopLoopTime, "Arial Bold", 0, gi_2520, gi_2388);
else LABEL("STOP_LOOP_TIME_", "[Loop End] " + StopLoopTime, "Arial Bold", 0, gi_2520, gi_2412);
} else LABEL("STOP_LOOP_TIME_", "[Loop End] " + StopLoopTime, "Arial Bold", 0, gi_2520, gi_2412);
if (CloseAll == TRUE) {
gi_684 = FALSE;
CloseAll = FALSE;
gs_1728 = "Manual";
if (StopLoss < 0) StopLoss = 0;
if (g_lots_1948 < MarketInfo(Symbol(), MODE_MINLOT)) g_lots_1948 = MarketInfo(Symbol(), MODE_MINLOT);
if (gi_704 == TRUE) {
gi_684 = FALSE;
if (gi_684 == TRUE) {
if (StopLoopTime > "0" && TimeLocal() > StrToTime(StopLoopTime))
if (EALoop > 0 && gi_768 != EALoop) gi_768 = EALoop;
if (MaxLevelAllowed > 0) {
if (Averaging == TRUE) {
if (gi_1848 > gi_1852) {
if (gi_1848 > MaxLevelAllowed) {
gs_1728 = "MaxLevelAllowed";
if (gi_1852 > gi_1848) {
if (gi_1852 > MaxLevelAllowed) {
gs_1728 = "MaxLevelAllowed";
} else {
if (gi_772 > MaxLevelAllowed) {
gs_1728 = "MaxLevelAllowed";
if (MaxRiskPercentage > 0.0) {
gd_1452 = 100.0 * ((AccountEquity() - AccountBalance()) / AccountBalance());
if (gd_1452 <= -MaxRiskPercentage) {
gs_1728 = "MaxRiskPercentage";
if (MaxLoss > 0.0) {
if (AccountProfit() <= -MaxLoss) {
gs_1728 = "MaxLoss";
if (gi_692 == TRUE) {
if (gi_1380 == FALSE) {
if (BuyOrders() + SellOrders() > 0) CancelPending();
gi_1380 = TRUE;
if (Straddle == FALSE) {
if (gi_344 == FALSE) {
if (Hedging == TRUE) FirstOrder();
if (Hedging == FALSE && Averaging == FALSE && gi_300 == FALSE) FirstOrder();
if (gi_300 == TRUE) {
gi_692 = FALSE;
gi_688 = TRUE;
if (Averaging == TRUE && StartFromHiLow == FALSE) FirstOrder();
if (Averaging == TRUE && StartFromHiLow == TRUE) {
if (BuyOpen() + SellOpen() <= 0) {
gi_2228 = TRUE;
if (gd_1900 > MinimumHiLowRange) {
if (g_high_1660 == 0.0) g_high_1660 = MarketInfo(Symbol(), MODE_HIGH);
if (g_low_1668 == 0.0) g_low_1668 = MarketInfo(Symbol(), MODE_LOW);
g_price_1652 = g_high_1660 + RangeFromHiLow * gd_2340 + gd_2324;
g_price_1644 = g_low_1668 - RangeFromHiLow * gd_2340 - gd_2324;
if (BuyOrders() < 1) {
if (OrderSend(Symbol(), OP_BUYLIMIT, g_lots_1948, g_price_1644, 3, 0, 0, "HiLow Buy Limit", 0, 0, CLR_NONE) < 0) {
g_price_1644 -= gd_2340;
Print("Error HiLow Buy Limit = ", ErrorDescription(GetLastError()));
if (SellOrders() < 1) {
if (OrderSend(Symbol(), OP_SELLLIMIT, g_lots_1948, g_price_1652, 3, 0, 0, "HiLow Sell Limit", 0, 0, CLR_NONE) < 0) {
g_price_1652 += gd_2340;
Print("Error HiLow Sell Limit = ", ErrorDescription(GetLastError()));
for (g_pos_764 = 0; g_pos_764 < OrdersTotal(); g_pos_764++) {
if (OrderSelect(g_pos_764, SELECT_BY_POS, MODE_TRADES) && OrderSymbol() == Symbol()) {
if (OrderType() == OP_BUYLIMIT && OrderMagicNumber() != g_magic_1736) g_ord_open_price_1676 = OrderOpenPrice();
if (OrderType() == OP_SELLLIMIT && OrderMagicNumber() != g_magic_1736) g_ord_open_price_1684 = OrderOpenPrice();
if (BuyOpen() + SellOpen() > 0) {
if (BuyOrders() > 0 || SellOrders() > 0) CancelPending();
if (ObjectsTotal() > 0) ObjectsDeleteAll();
gi_692 = FALSE;
gi_688 = TRUE;
if (gi_344 == TRUE) {
gi_692 = FALSE;
gi_688 = TRUE;
if (Straddle == TRUE) {
if (BuyOpen() + SellOpen() <= 0) {
if (BuyOrders() < 1 || SellOrders() < 1) {
gd_924 = MarketInfo(Symbol(), MODE_ASK) + StraddleRange * gd_2340;
gd_932 = MarketInfo(Symbol(), MODE_BID) - StraddleRange * gd_2340 - gd_2324;
if (BuyOrders() == 0) {
if (StraddleBuyPrice > 0.0) {
if (StraddleRange > 0) {
if (StraddleBuyPrice >= gd_924) {
g_price_940 = StraddleBuyPrice;
if (OrderSend(Symbol(), OP_BUYSTOP, g_lots_1948, g_price_940, 3, 0, 0, "Straddle Buy Stop", 0, 0, CLR_NONE) == 0) continue;
gd_924 += gd_2340;
} else {
g_price_940 = gd_924;
if (OrderSend(Symbol(), OP_BUYSTOP, g_lots_1948, g_price_940, 3, 0, 0, "Straddle Buy Stop", 0, 0, CLR_NONE) == 0) continue;
gd_924 += gd_2340;
if (StraddleRange == 0) {
g_price_940 = StraddleBuyPrice;
if (OrderSend(Symbol(), OP_BUYSTOP, g_lots_1948, g_price_940, 3, 0, 0, "Straddle Buy Stop", 0, 0, CLR_NONE) == 0) continue;
gd_924 += gd_2340;
if (StraddleBuyPrice == 0.0) {
if (StraddleRange > 0) {
g_price_940 = gd_924;
if (OrderSend(Symbol(), OP_BUYSTOP, g_lots_1948, g_price_940, 3, 0, 0, "Straddle Buy Stop", 0, 0, CLR_NONE) == 0) continue;
gd_924 += gd_2340;
if (StraddleRange == 0) {
if (gd_924 == 0.0) gd_924 = MarketInfo(Symbol(), MODE_ASK);
g_price_940 = gd_924;
if (OrderSend(Symbol(), OP_BUYSTOP, g_lots_1948, g_price_940, 3, 0, 0, "Straddle Buy Stop", 0, 0, CLR_NONE) == 0) continue;
gd_924 += gd_2340;
if (SellOrders() == 0) {
if (StraddleSellPrice > 0.0) {
if (StraddleRange > 0) {
if (StraddleSellPrice <= gd_932) {
g_price_948 = StraddleSellPrice;
if (OrderSend(Symbol(), OP_SELLSTOP, g_lots_1948, g_price_948, 3, 0, 0, "Straddle Sell Stop", 0, 0, CLR_NONE) == 0) continue;
gd_932 -= gd_2340;
} else {
g_price_948 = gd_932;
if (OrderSend(Symbol(), OP_SELLSTOP, g_lots_1948, g_price_948, 3, 0, 0, "Straddle Sell Stop", 0, 0, CLR_NONE) == 0) continue;
gd_932 -= gd_2340;
if (StraddleRange == 0) {
g_price_948 = StraddleSellPrice;
if (OrderSend(Symbol(), OP_SELLSTOP, g_lots_1948, g_price_948, 3, 0, 0, "Straddle Sell Stop", 0, 0, CLR_NONE) == 0) continue;
gd_932 -= gd_2340;
if (StraddleSellPrice == 0.0) {
if (StraddleRange > 0) {
g_price_948 = gd_932;
if (OrderSend(Symbol(), OP_SELLSTOP, g_lots_1948, g_price_948, 3, 0, 0, "Straddle Sell Stop", 0, 0, CLR_NONE) == 0) continue;
gd_932 -= gd_2340;
if (StraddleRange == 0) {
if (gd_932 == 0.0) gd_932 = MarketInfo(Symbol(), MODE_BID);
g_price_948 = gd_932;
if (OrderSend(Symbol(), OP_SELLSTOP, g_lots_1948, g_price_948, 3, 0, 0, "Straddle Sell Stop", 0, 0, CLR_NONE) == 0) continue;
gd_932 -= gd_2340;
for (g_pos_764 = 0; g_pos_764 < OrdersTotal(); g_pos_764++) {
if (OrderSelect(g_pos_764, SELECT_BY_POS, MODE_TRADES) && OrderSymbol() == Symbol()) {
if (OrderType() == OP_BUYSTOP && OrderMagicNumber() != g_magic_1736) {
g_ord_open_price_1492 = OrderOpenPrice();
if (StraddleTakeProfit <= 0) gd_1460 = 0;
if (StraddleTakeProfit > 0) gd_1460 = g_price_940 + StraddleTakeProfit * gd_2340;
if (StraddleStopLoss <= 0) gd_1468 = 0;
if (StraddleStopLoss > 0) gd_1468 = g_price_940 - StraddleStopLoss * gd_2340;
if (g_price_1508 <= 0.0) g_price_1508 = gd_1460;
if (g_price_1516 <= 0.0) g_price_1516 = gd_1468;
if (!IsEqual(OrderTakeProfit(), g_price_1508))
if (OrderModify(OrderTicket(), OrderOpenPrice(), OrderStopLoss(), g_price_1508, 0, CLR_NONE) == FALSE) g_price_1508 += gd_2340;
if (!IsEqual(OrderStopLoss(), g_price_1516))
if (OrderModify(OrderTicket(), OrderOpenPrice(), g_price_1516, g_price_1508, 0, CLR_NONE) == FALSE) g_price_1516 -= gd_2340;
if (OrderType() == OP_SELLSTOP && OrderMagicNumber() != g_magic_1736) {
g_ord_open_price_1500 = OrderOpenPrice();
if (StraddleTakeProfit <= 0) gd_1476 = 0;
if (StraddleTakeProfit > 0) gd_1476 = g_ord_open_price_1500 - StraddleTakeProfit * gd_2340;
if (StraddleStopLoss <= 0) gd_1484 = 0;
if (StraddleStopLoss > 0) gd_1484 = g_ord_open_price_1500 + StraddleStopLoss * gd_2340;
if (g_price_1524 <= 0.0) g_price_1524 = gd_1476;
if (g_price_1532 <= 0.0) g_price_1532 = gd_1484;
if (!IsEqual(OrderTakeProfit(), g_price_1524))
if (OrderModify(OrderTicket(), OrderOpenPrice(), OrderStopLoss(), g_price_1524, 0, CLR_NONE) == FALSE) g_price_1524 -= gd_2340;
if (!IsEqual(OrderStopLoss(), g_price_1532))
if (OrderModify(OrderTicket(), OrderOpenPrice(), g_price_1532, g_price_1524, 0, CLR_NONE) == FALSE) g_price_1532 += gd_2340;
if (BuyOpen() + SellOpen() > 0) {
if (BuyOrders() > 0 || SellOrders() > 0) CancelPending();
gi_692 = FALSE;
Straddle = FALSE;
gi_688 = TRUE;
if (ObjectsTotal() > 0) ObjectsDeleteAll();
if (gi_344 == FALSE) {
if (BuyLots() + SellLots() > 0.0) {
if (BuyLots() == SellLots()) {
gi_688 = FALSE;
for (g_pos_764 = 0; g_pos_764 < OrdersTotal(); g_pos_764++) {
if (OrderMagicNumber() != g_magic_1736) {
if (OrderSelect(g_pos_764, SELECT_BY_POS, MODE_TRADES)) {
if (OrderType() == OP_BUY && OrderSymbol() == Symbol()) {
g_ord_open_price_1908 = OrderOpenPrice();
if (MarketInfo(Symbol(), MODE_BID) - g_ord_open_price_1908 >= CloseWhileHedgingProfit * gd_2340) {
if (OrderClose(OrderTicket(), OrderLots(), MarketInfo(Symbol(), MODE_BID), 3, CLR_NONE) > 0) Print("Buy Hedging Position Eliminated");
else Print("Error Closing Buy Hedging = ", ErrorDescription(GetLastError()));
if (OrderType() == OP_SELL && OrderSymbol() == Symbol()) {
g_ord_open_price_1916 = OrderOpenPrice();
if (g_ord_open_price_1916 - MarketInfo(Symbol(), MODE_ASK) >= CloseWhileHedgingProfit * gd_2340) {
if (OrderClose(OrderTicket(), OrderLots(), MarketInfo(Symbol(), MODE_ASK), 3, CLR_NONE) > 0) Print("Sell Hedging Position Eliminated");
else Print("Error Closing Sell Hedging = ", ErrorDescription(GetLastError()));
} else gi_688 = TRUE;
if (gi_688 == TRUE) {
if (gi_2232 == TRUE) {
if (gi_344 == FALSE && gi_300 == FALSE) {
if (increase <= 0) increase = 0;
if (increase > 0 && IncreaseEndLevel <= IncreaseStartLevel) IncreaseEndLevel = 0;
if (increase > 0 && IncreaseStartLevel < 1) IncreaseStartLevel = 1;
if (Hedging == FALSE && Averaging == FALSE && gi_344 == FALSE && gi_300 == FALSE) {
gi_772 = BuyOpen() + SellOpen();
for (g_pos_764 = 0; g_pos_764 < OrdersTotal(); g_pos_764++) {
if (OrderSelect(g_pos_764, SELECT_BY_POS, MODE_TRADES) && OrderSymbol() == Symbol()) {
if (OrderMagicNumber() != g_magic_1736) {
if (OrderType() == OP_BUY) {
gd_2244 += OrderLots();
g_ord_open_price_2236 = OrderOpenPrice();
if (OrderType() == OP_SELL) g_ord_open_price_2276 = OrderOpenPrice();
if (OrderType() == OP_BUYSTOP) gd_2252 += OrderLots();
if (OrderType() == OP_SELLSTOP) gd_2292 += OrderLots();
if (TakeProfit <= 0) {
g_price_2268 = 0;
g_price_2308 = 0;
if (TakeProfit > 0) {
g_price_2268 = g_ord_open_price_2236 + TakeProfit * gd_2340;
g_price_2308 = g_ord_open_price_2276 - TakeProfit * gd_2340;
if (StopLoss > 0) {
g_price_2260 = g_ord_open_price_2236 - StopLoss * gd_2340;
g_price_2300 = g_ord_open_price_2276 + StopLoss * gd_2340;
for (g_pos_764 = 0; g_pos_764 < OrdersTotal(); g_pos_764++) {
if (OrderSelect(g_pos_764, SELECT_BY_POS)) {
if (OrderSymbol() == Symbol() && OrderMagicNumber() != g_magic_1736) {
if (OrderType() == OP_BUY) {
if (!IsEqual(OrderTakeProfit(), g_price_2268) || !IsEqual(OrderStopLoss(), g_price_2260)) {
if (OrderModify(OrderTicket(), OrderOpenPrice(), g_price_2260, g_price_2268, 0, CLR_NONE)) {
if (OrderType() == OP_SELL) {
if (!IsEqual(OrderTakeProfit(), g_price_2308) || !IsEqual(OrderStopLoss(), g_price_2300)) {
if (OrderModify(OrderTicket(), OrderOpenPrice(), g_price_2300, g_price_2308, 0, CLR_NONE)) {
if (OrderType() == OP_BUYSTOP) {
if (SellOpen() < 1) OrderDelete(OrderTicket());
if (!IsEqual(OrderTakeProfit(), g_price_2268) || !IsEqual(OrderStopLoss(), g_price_2260)) OrderModify(OrderTicket(), OrderOpenPrice(), g_price_2260, g_price_2268, 0, CLR_NONE);
if (OrderType() == OP_SELLSTOP) {
if (BuyOpen() < 1) OrderDelete(OrderTicket());
if (!IsEqual(OrderTakeProfit(), g_price_2308) || !IsEqual(OrderStopLoss(), g_price_2300)) OrderModify(OrderTicket(), OrderOpenPrice(), g_price_2300, g_price_2308, 0, CLR_NONE);
if (gi_300 == TRUE) {
for (g_pos_764 = 0; g_pos_764 < OrdersTotal(); g_pos_764++) {
if (OrderSelect(g_pos_764, SELECT_BY_POS, MODE_TRADES)) {
if (OrderMagicNumber() != g_magic_1736) {
if (OrderType() == OP_BUY) {
if (OrderSymbol() == gs_eurusd_328) gd_2140 += OrderLots();
if (OrderSymbol() == gs_usdchf_336) gd_2156 += OrderLots();
if (OrderType() == OP_SELL) {
if (OrderSymbol() == gs_eurusd_328) gd_2148 += OrderLots();
if (OrderSymbol() == gs_usdchf_336) gd_2164 += OrderLots();
gd_2172 = gd_2140 + gd_2156 + gd_2148 + gd_2164;
gd_2180 = gd_2140 + gd_2156;
gd_2188 = gd_2148 + gd_2164;
if (gd_2172 <= 0.0) {
if (gs_buy_320 == "buy" || gs_buy_320 == "b") {
if (gd_2180 <= 0.0)
if (OrderSend(gs_eurusd_328, OP_BUY, g_lots_1948, MarketInfo(gs_eurusd_328, MODE_ASK), 3, 0, 0, "Corr Buy", 0, 0, CLR_NONE) < 0) Print("Error Corr Buy = ", ErrorDescription(GetLastError()));
if (gs_buy_320 == "sell" || gs_buy_320 == "s") {
if (gd_2188 <= 0.0)
if (OrderSend(gs_eurusd_328, OP_SELL, g_lots_1948, MarketInfo(gs_eurusd_328, MODE_BID), 3, 0, 0, "Corr Sell", 0, 0, CLR_NONE) < 0) Print("Error Corr Sell = ", ErrorDescription(GetLastError()));
if (gd_2172 > 0.0) {
if (gd_2180 > 0.0) {
if (gd_2140 > gd_2156) {
g_lots_2196 = gd_2140 - gd_2156;
if (OrderSend(gs_usdchf_336, OP_BUY, g_lots_2196, MarketInfo(gs_usdchf_336, MODE_ASK), 3, 0, 0, "Corr Buy", 0, 0, CLR_NONE) < 0) Print("Error Corr Buy ", gs_usdchf_336, " = ", ErrorDescription(GetLastError()));
if (gd_2140 < gd_2156) {
g_lots_2196 = gd_2156 - gd_2140;
if (OrderSend(gs_eurusd_328, OP_BUY, g_lots_2196, MarketInfo(gs_eurusd_328, MODE_ASK), 3, 0, 0, "Corr Buy", 0, 0, CLR_NONE) < 0) Print("Error Corr Buy ", gs_eurusd_328, " = ", ErrorDescription(GetLastError()));
if (gd_2188 > 0.0) {
if (gd_2148 > gd_2164) {
g_lots_2204 = gd_2148 - gd_2164;
if (OrderSend(gs_usdchf_336, OP_SELL, g_lots_2204, MarketInfo(gs_usdchf_336, MODE_BID), 3, 0, 0, "Corr Sell", 0, 0, CLR_NONE) < 0) Print("Error Corr Sell ", gs_usdchf_336, " = ", ErrorDescription(GetLastError()));
if (gd_2148 < gd_2164) {
g_lots_2204 = gd_2164 - gd_2148;
if (OrderSend(gs_eurusd_328, OP_SELL, g_lots_2204, MarketInfo(gs_eurusd_328, MODE_BID), 3, 0, 0, "Corr Sell", 0, 0, CLR_NONE) < 0) Print("Error Corr Sell ", gs_eurusd_328, " = ", ErrorDescription(GetLastError()));
if (AccountProfit() >= gd_304) {
gs_1728 = "CorrProfitMoney";
if (AccountProfit() <= -gd_312) {
gs_1728 = "CorrLossMoney";
if (gi_344 == TRUE) {
gd_2244 = BuyLots();
gd_2284 = SellLots();
if (gd_2092 > gd_2244) {
g_price_1996 = 0;
gd_1692 = 0;
gd_2092 = 0;
} else gd_2092 = gd_2244;
if (gd_2100 > gd_2284) {
g_price_2004 = 0;
gd_1700 = 0;
gd_2100 = 0;
} else gd_2100 = gd_2284;
if (gi_364 < gd_2348) {
gi_364 = gd_2348;
Print("MSRange is set to minimum Broker limit = ", DoubleToStr(gi_364, 0));
g_price_1956 = gi_364 * gd_2340 + MarketInfo(Symbol(), MODE_ASK) + gd_2324;
g_price_1964 = MarketInfo(Symbol(), MODE_BID) - gi_364 * gd_2340 - gd_2324;
if (TotalBuyLots() + TotalSellLots() <= 0.0) {
if (TotalBuyPos() < 1.0) {
if (OrderSend(Symbol(), OP_BUYSTOP, LotSize, g_price_1956, 3, 0, 0, "MS Buy Stop", 0, 0, CLR_NONE) < 0) {
Print("Error MS Buy Stop = ", ErrorDescription(GetLastError()));
g_price_1956 += gd_2340;
if (TotalSellPos() < 1.0) {
if (OrderSend(Symbol(), OP_SELLSTOP, LotSize, g_price_1964, 3, 0, 0, "MS Sell Stop", 0, 0, CLR_NONE) < 0) {
Print("Error MS Sell Stop = ", ErrorDescription(GetLastError()));
g_price_1964 -= gd_2340;
if (TotalBuyLots() + TotalSellLots() > 0.0) {
if (NormalizeDouble(TotalBuyLots(), 2) < NormalizeDouble(TotalSellLots(), 2)) {
if (TotalBuyPos() < 1.0) {
g_lots_1972 = TotalSellLots() - TotalBuyLots();
if (OrderSend(Symbol(), OP_BUYSTOP, g_lots_1972, g_price_1956, 3, 0, 0, "MS Counter Buy Stop", 0, 0, CLR_NONE) < 0) {
Print("Error MS Counter Buy Stop = ", ErrorDescription(GetLastError()));
g_price_1956 += gd_2340;
if (NormalizeDouble(TotalBuyLots(), 2) > NormalizeDouble(TotalSellLots(), 2)) {
if (TotalSellPos() < 1.0) {
g_lots_1980 = TotalBuyLots() - TotalSellLots();
if (OrderSend(Symbol(), OP_SELLSTOP, g_lots_1980, g_price_1964, 3, 0, 0, "MS Counter Sell Stop", 0, 0, CLR_NONE) < 0) {
Print("Error MS Counter Sell Stop = ", ErrorDescription(GetLastError()));
g_price_1964 -= gd_2340;
if (gi_368 > 0)
if (gi_368 < gd_2348) gi_368 = gd_2348;
if (gi_372 > 0)
if (gi_372 < gd_2348) gi_372 = gd_2348;
if (gi_376 > 0 && gi_376 < gd_2348) {
gi_376 = gd_2348;
Print("MSTrailingStop is set to minimum Broker limit = ", DoubleToStr(gi_376, 0));
gd_2036 = AccountBalance() - g_str2dbl_2028 + AccountProfit();
if (NormalizeDouble(gd_2036, 2) > NormalizeDouble(gi_384, 2)) {
gi_688 = FALSE;
if (OrdersTotal() > 0) {
g_price_1996 = 0;
gd_1692 = 0;
g_price_2004 = 0;
gd_1700 = 0;
g_error_756 = GetLastError();
if (g_error_756 != 0/* NO_ERROR */) {
Print("Error = ", g_error_756, " while deleting" + g_name_1824);
gi_684 = FALSE;
if (OrdersTotal() <= 0) gi_688 = TRUE;
for (g_pos_764 = 0; g_pos_764 < OrdersTotal(); g_pos_764++) {
if (OrderSelect(g_pos_764, SELECT_BY_POS)) {
if (OrderSymbol() == Symbol() && OrderMagicNumber() != g_magic_1736) {
if (OrderType() == OP_BUY) {
gd_2108 += OrderLots();
if (gi_368 > 0) g_price_2268 = OrderOpenPrice() + gi_368 * gd_2340;
else g_price_2268 = 0;
if (gi_372 > 0) g_price_2260 = OrderOpenPrice() - gi_372 * gd_2340;
else g_price_2260 = 0;
if (gi_376 > 0) {
if (!IsEqual(OrderTakeProfit(), g_price_2268))
if (OrderModify(OrderTicket(), OrderOpenPrice(), g_price_2260, g_price_2268, 0, CLR_NONE) < FALSE) Print("Error Modifying MS Buy Open TP & SL = ", ErrorDescription(GetLastError()));
g_ord_open_price_2044 = OrderOpenPrice();
g_ord_stoploss_2060 = OrderStopLoss();
g_ord_open_price_2236 = OrderOpenPrice();
if (MarketInfo(Symbol(), MODE_BID) - g_ord_open_price_2044 > gi_376 * gd_2340) {
if (gi_380 > 0)
if (gd_1692 < MarketInfo(Symbol(), MODE_BID) - gi_380 * gd_2340) gd_1692 = MarketInfo(Symbol(), MODE_BID) - gi_380 * gd_2340;
if (g_ord_stoploss_2060 < MarketInfo(Symbol(), MODE_BID) - gi_376 * gd_2340) {
g_price_2012 = MarketInfo(Symbol(), MODE_BID) - gi_376 * gd_2340;
if (!IsEqual(OrderStopLoss(), g_price_2012))
if (OrderModify(OrderTicket(), OrderOpenPrice(), g_price_2012, g_price_2268, 0, CLR_NONE) < FALSE) Print("Error Modifying MS Buy Open TS = ", ErrorDescription(GetLastError()));
if (gd_1692 > 0.0) {
if (MarketInfo(Symbol(), MODE_BID) < gd_1692)
if (OrderClose(OrderTicket(), OrderLots(), MarketInfo(OrderSymbol(), MODE_BID), 3, CLR_NONE) < 0) Print("Closing MS Buy Error ", ErrorDescription(GetLastError()));
if (OrderProfit() < 0.0) gd_1692 = 0;
} else {
if (!IsEqual(OrderTakeProfit(), g_price_2268) || !IsEqual(OrderStopLoss(), g_price_2260))
if (OrderModify(OrderTicket(), OrderOpenPrice(), g_price_2260, g_price_2268, 0, CLR_NONE) < FALSE) Print("Error Modifying MS Buy Open TP & SL = ", ErrorDescription(GetLastError()));
if (OrderType() == OP_SELL) {
gd_2116 += OrderLots();
if (gi_368 > 0) g_price_2308 = OrderOpenPrice() - gi_368 * gd_2340;
else g_price_2308 = 0;
if (gi_372 > 0) g_price_2300 = OrderOpenPrice() + gi_372 * gd_2340;
else g_price_2300 = 0;
if (gi_376 > 0) {
if (!IsEqual(OrderTakeProfit(), g_price_2308))
if (OrderModify(OrderTicket(), OrderOpenPrice(), g_price_2300, g_price_2308, 0, CLR_NONE) < FALSE) Print("Error Modifying MS Sell Open TP & SL = ", ErrorDescription(GetLastError()));
g_ord_open_price_2052 = OrderOpenPrice();
g_ord_stoploss_2068 = OrderStopLoss();
g_ord_open_price_2276 = OrderOpenPrice();
if (g_ord_open_price_2052 - MarketInfo(Symbol(), MODE_ASK) > gi_376 * gd_2340) {
if (gi_380 > 0)
if (gd_1700 <= 0.0 || gd_1700 > MarketInfo(Symbol(), MODE_ASK) + gi_380 * gd_2340) gd_1700 = MarketInfo(Symbol(), MODE_ASK) + gi_380 * gd_2340;
if (g_ord_stoploss_2068 == 0.0 || g_ord_stoploss_2068 > MarketInfo(Symbol(), MODE_ASK) + gi_376 * gd_2340) {
g_price_2020 = MarketInfo(Symbol(), MODE_ASK) + gi_376 * gd_2340;
if (!IsEqual(OrderStopLoss(), g_price_2020))
if (OrderModify(OrderTicket(), OrderOpenPrice(), g_price_2020, g_price_2308, 0, CLR_NONE) < FALSE) Print("Error Modifying MS Sell Open TS = ", ErrorDescription(GetLastError()));
if (gd_1700 > 0.0) {
if (MarketInfo(Symbol(), MODE_ASK) > gd_1700)
if (OrderClose(OrderTicket(), OrderLots(), MarketInfo(OrderSymbol(), MODE_ASK), 3, CLR_NONE) < 0) Print("Closing MS Sell Error ", ErrorDescription(GetLastError()));
if (OrderProfit() < 0.0) gd_1700 = 0;
} else {
if (!IsEqual(OrderTakeProfit(), g_price_2308) || !IsEqual(OrderStopLoss(), g_price_2300))
if (OrderModify(OrderTicket(), OrderOpenPrice(), g_price_2300, g_price_2308, 0, CLR_NONE) < FALSE) Print("Error Modifying MS Sell Open TP & SL = ", ErrorDescription(GetLastError()));
if (OrderType() == OP_BUYSTOP) {
if (OrderOpenPrice() < MarketInfo(Symbol(), MODE_ASK)) OrderDelete(OrderTicket());
if (gi_368 > 0) g_price_2268 = OrderOpenPrice() + gi_368 * gd_2340;
else g_price_2268 = 0;
if (gi_372 > 0) g_price_2260 = OrderOpenPrice() - gi_372 * gd_2340;
else g_price_2260 = 0;
if (gi_352 == TRUE) {
if (gd_2116 > 0.0) MSBuyStop();
} else MSBuyStop();
if (!IsEqual(OrderTakeProfit(), g_price_2268) || !IsEqual(OrderStopLoss(), g_price_2260))
if (OrderModify(OrderTicket(), OrderOpenPrice(), g_price_2260, g_price_2268, 0, CLR_NONE) < FALSE) Print("Error Modifying MS Buy Stop TP & SL = ", ErrorDescription(GetLastError()));
if (OrderType() == OP_SELLSTOP) {
if (OrderOpenPrice() > MarketInfo(Symbol(), MODE_BID)) OrderDelete(OrderTicket());
if (gi_368 > 0) g_price_2308 = OrderOpenPrice() - gi_368 * gd_2340;
else g_price_2308 = 0;
if (gi_372 > 0) g_price_2300 = OrderOpenPrice() + gi_372 * gd_2340;
else g_price_2300 = 0;
if (gi_352 == TRUE) {
if (gd_2108 > 0.0) MSSellStop();
} else MSSellStop();
if (!IsEqual(OrderTakeProfit(), g_price_2308) || !IsEqual(OrderStopLoss(), g_price_2300))
if (OrderModify(OrderTicket(), OrderOpenPrice(), g_price_2300, g_price_2308, 0, CLR_NONE) < FALSE) Print("Error Modifying MS Sell Stop TP & SL = ", ErrorDescription(GetLastError()));
if (Hedging == TRUE) {
if (BuyOpen() + SellOpen() > 0) gi_772 = BuyOpen() + SellOpen();
for (g_pos_764 = 0; g_pos_764 < OrdersTotal(); g_pos_764++) {
if (OrderSelect(g_pos_764, SELECT_BY_POS, MODE_TRADES) && OrderSymbol() == Symbol()) {
if (OrderMagicNumber() != g_magic_1736) {
if (OrderType() == OP_BUY) {
gd_2244 += OrderLots();
g_ord_open_price_2236 = OrderOpenPrice();
g_ord_lots_796 = OrderLots();
if (OrderType() == OP_SELL) {
gd_2284 += OrderLots();
g_ord_open_price_2276 = OrderOpenPrice();
g_ord_lots_804 = OrderLots();
if (OrderType() == OP_BUYSTOP) gd_2252 += OrderLots();
if (OrderType() == OP_SELLSTOP) gd_2292 += OrderLots();
if (BuyLots() > SellLots()) {
if (Multiplier == 0.0) g_lots_2316 = 2.0 * BuyLots() - SellLots();
if (Multiplier == 1.0) g_lots_2316 = g_ord_lots_796 + g_lots_1948;
if (Multiplier > 0.0 && Multiplier != 1.0) g_lots_2316 = g_ord_lots_796 * Multiplier;
if (NormalizeDouble(g_lots_2316, 4) > NormalizeDouble(gd_2292, 4)) {
if (gd_1404 == 0.0) gd_1404 = gd_2244;
if (gd_1404 != gd_2244) {
gd_1404 = gd_2244;
if (increase > 0) {
if (gi_772 >= IncreaseStartLevel) {
if (IncreaseEndLevel == 0) gi_776 = gi_772 - IncreaseStartLevel + 1;
if (IncreaseEndLevel > 0 && gi_772 <= IncreaseEndLevel) gi_776 = gi_772 - IncreaseStartLevel + 1;
if (gd_988 > 0.0) g_price_1580 = g_ord_open_price_2236 - HedgeGap * gd_2340 - 2.0 * gd_988 - gi_776 * increase * gd_2340 - gd_2324;
else g_price_1580 = g_ord_open_price_2236 - HedgeGap * gd_2340 - gi_776 * increase * gd_2340 - gd_2324;
if (gi_772 < IncreaseStartLevel) {
if (gd_988 > 0.0) g_price_1580 = g_ord_open_price_2236 - HedgeGap * gd_2340 - 2.0 * gd_988 - gd_2324;
else g_price_1580 = g_ord_open_price_2236 - HedgeGap * gd_2340 - gd_2324;
} else {
if (gd_988 > 0.0) g_price_1580 = g_ord_open_price_2236 - HedgeGap * gd_2340 - 2.0 * gd_988 - gd_2324;
else g_price_1580 = g_ord_open_price_2236 - HedgeGap * gd_2340 - gd_2324;
g_bid_828 = MarketInfo(Symbol(), MODE_BID);
if (g_bid_828 < g_price_1580) {
gd_820 = g_price_1580 - g_bid_828;
g_price_1580 = g_bid_828;
Print("Sell Counter @ ", g_price_1580);
if (OrderSend(Symbol(), OP_SELL, g_lots_2316, g_price_1580, 3, 0, 0, "Sell at Market Price", 0, 0, CLR_NONE) < 0) Print("Error Open Sell at Market Price = ", ErrorDescription(GetLastError()));
if (GapAdjustment == TRUE) gd_988 += gd_820;
else gd_988 = 0;
if (g_bid_828 >= g_price_1580)
if (OrderSend(Symbol(), OP_SELLSTOP, g_lots_2316, g_price_1580, 3, 0, 0, "Sell Stop", 0, 0, CLR_NONE) < 0) Print("Error Open Sell Stop = ", ErrorDescription(GetLastError()));
if (NormalizeDouble(g_lots_2316, 4) < NormalizeDouble(gd_2292, 4)) CancelPending();
if (SellLots() > BuyLots()) {
if (Multiplier == 0.0) g_lots_2316 = 2.0 * SellLots() - BuyLots();
if (Multiplier == 1.0) g_lots_2316 = g_ord_lots_804 + g_lots_1948;
if (Multiplier > 0.0 && Multiplier != 1.0) g_lots_2316 = g_ord_lots_804 * Multiplier;
if (NormalizeDouble(g_lots_2316, 4) > NormalizeDouble(gd_2252, 4)) {
if (gd_1412 == 0.0) gd_1412 = gd_2284;
if (gd_1412 != gd_2284) {
gd_1412 = gd_2284;
if (increase > 0) {
if (gi_772 >= IncreaseStartLevel) {
if (IncreaseEndLevel == 0) gi_776 = gi_772 - IncreaseStartLevel + 1;
if (IncreaseEndLevel > 0 && gi_772 <= IncreaseEndLevel) gi_776 = gi_772 - IncreaseStartLevel + 1;
if (gd_988 > 0.0) g_price_1572 = g_ord_open_price_2276 + HedgeGap * gd_2340 + 2.0 * gd_988 + gi_776 * increase * gd_2340 + gd_2324;
else g_price_1572 = g_ord_open_price_2276 + HedgeGap * gd_2340 + gi_776 * increase * gd_2340 + gd_2324;
if (gi_772 < IncreaseStartLevel) {
if (gd_988 > 0.0) g_price_1572 = g_ord_open_price_2276 + HedgeGap * gd_2340 + 2.0 * gd_988 + gd_2324;
else g_price_1572 = g_ord_open_price_2276 + HedgeGap * gd_2340 + gd_2324;
} else {
if (gd_988 > 0.0) g_price_1572 = g_ord_open_price_2276 + HedgeGap * gd_2340 + 2.0 * gd_988 + gd_2324;
else g_price_1572 = g_ord_open_price_2276 + HedgeGap * gd_2340 + gd_2324;
g_ask_836 = MarketInfo(Symbol(), MODE_ASK);
if (g_ask_836 > g_price_1572) {
gd_812 = g_ask_836 - g_price_1572;
g_price_1572 = g_ask_836;
Print("Buy Counter @ ", g_price_1572);
if (OrderSend(Symbol(), OP_BUY, g_lots_2316, g_price_1572, 3, 0, 0, "Buy at Market Price", 0, 0, CLR_NONE) < 0) Print("Error Open Buy at Market Price= ", ErrorDescription(GetLastError()));
if (GapAdjustment == TRUE) gd_988 += gd_812;
else gd_988 = 0;
if (g_ask_836 <= g_price_1572)
if (OrderSend(Symbol(), OP_BUYSTOP, g_lots_2316, g_price_1572, 3, 0, 0, "Buy Stop", 0, 0, CLR_NONE) < 0) Print("Error Open Buy Stop= ", ErrorDescription(GetLastError()));
if (NormalizeDouble(g_lots_2316, 4) < NormalizeDouble(gd_2252, 4)) CancelPending();
for (int l_pos_8 = 0; l_pos_8 < OrdersTotal(); l_pos_8++) {
if (OrderSelect(l_pos_8, SELECT_BY_POS, MODE_TRADES) && OrderSymbol() == Symbol()) {
if (OrderMagicNumber() != g_magic_1736) {
if (OrderType() == OP_BUYSTOP) {
gd_2252 += OrderLots();
g_ord_open_price_1332 = OrderOpenPrice();
g_ord_lots_1388 = OrderLots();
if (OrderType() == OP_SELLSTOP) {
gd_2292 += OrderLots();
g_ord_open_price_1340 = OrderOpenPrice();
g_ord_lots_1396 = OrderLots();
if (TakeProfit <= 0) {
g_price_2268 = 0;
g_price_2308 = 0;
g_price_2260 = 0;
g_price_2300 = 0;
if (TakeProfit > 0) {
if (GapAdjustment == FALSE) {
if (gd_812 > 0.0 || gd_820 > 0.0) {
if (g_price_2268 < LastOpenBuyPrice() + TakeProfit * gd_2340) {
if (LastOpenBuyPrice() == 0.0) g_price_2268 = g_ord_open_price_2236 + TakeProfit * gd_2340;
else g_price_2268 = LastOpenBuyPrice() + TakeProfit * gd_2340;
if (g_price_2308 == 0.0 || g_price_2308 > LastOpenSellPrice() - TakeProfit * gd_2340) {
if (LastOpenSellPrice() == 0.0) g_price_2308 = g_ord_open_price_2276 - TakeProfit * gd_2340;
else g_price_2308 = LastOpenSellPrice() - TakeProfit * gd_2340;
if (StopLoss == 0) {
g_price_2260 = g_price_2308 - gd_2324;
g_price_2300 = g_price_2268 + gd_2324;
if (StopLoss > 0) {
g_price_2260 = g_ord_open_price_2236 - StopLoss * gd_2340;
g_price_2300 = g_ord_open_price_2276 + StopLoss * gd_2340;
} else {
if (StopLoss == 0) {
if (gd_2252 > gd_2292) {
g_price_2268 = g_ord_open_price_1332 + TakeProfit * gd_2340;
g_price_2308 = g_ord_open_price_2276 - TakeProfit * gd_2340;
g_price_2260 = g_price_2308 - gd_2324;
g_price_2300 = g_price_2268 + gd_2324;
if (gd_2292 > gd_2252) {
g_price_2268 = g_ord_open_price_2236 + TakeProfit * gd_2340;
g_price_2308 = g_ord_open_price_1340 - TakeProfit * gd_2340;
g_price_2260 = g_price_2308 - gd_2324;
g_price_2300 = g_price_2268 + gd_2324;
if (StopLoss > 0) {
if (gd_2252 > gd_2292) {
g_price_2268 = g_ord_open_price_1332 + TakeProfit * gd_2340;
g_price_2308 = g_ord_open_price_2276 - TakeProfit * gd_2340;
g_price_2260 = g_ord_open_price_1332 - StopLoss * gd_2340;
g_price_2300 = g_ord_open_price_2276 + StopLoss * gd_2340;
if (gd_2292 > gd_2252) {
g_price_2268 = g_ord_open_price_2236 + TakeProfit * gd_2340;
g_price_2308 = g_ord_open_price_1340 - TakeProfit * gd_2340;
g_price_2260 = g_ord_open_price_2236 - StopLoss * gd_2340;
g_price_2300 = g_ord_open_price_1340 + StopLoss * gd_2340;
if (GapAdjustment == TRUE) {
if (StopLoss == 0) {
if (gd_2252 > gd_2292) {
g_price_2268 = g_ord_open_price_1332 + TakeProfit * gd_2340;
g_price_2308 = g_ord_open_price_2276 - TakeProfit * gd_2340;
g_price_2260 = g_price_2308 - gd_2324;
g_price_2300 = g_price_2268 + gd_2324;
if (gd_2292 > gd_2252) {
g_price_2268 = g_ord_open_price_2236 + TakeProfit * gd_2340;
g_price_2308 = g_ord_open_price_1340 - TakeProfit * gd_2340;
g_price_2260 = g_price_2308 - gd_2324;
g_price_2300 = g_price_2268 + gd_2324;
if (StopLoss > 0) {
if (gd_2252 > gd_2292) {
g_price_2268 = g_ord_open_price_1332 + TakeProfit * gd_2340;
g_price_2308 = g_ord_open_price_2276 - TakeProfit * gd_2340;
g_price_2260 = g_ord_open_price_1332 - StopLoss * gd_2340;
g_price_2300 = g_ord_open_price_2276 + StopLoss * gd_2340;
if (gd_2292 > gd_2252) {
g_price_2268 = g_ord_open_price_2236 + TakeProfit * gd_2340;
g_price_2308 = g_ord_open_price_1340 - TakeProfit * gd_2340;
g_price_2260 = g_ord_open_price_2236 - StopLoss * gd_2340;
g_price_2300 = g_ord_open_price_1340 + StopLoss * gd_2340;
if (OrderMagicNumber() != g_magic_1736) {
for (g_pos_764 = 0; g_pos_764 < OrdersTotal(); g_pos_764++) {
if (OrderSelect(g_pos_764, SELECT_BY_POS)) {
if (OrderSymbol() == Symbol() && OrderMagicNumber() != g_magic_1736) {
if (OrderType() == OP_BUY) {
if (!IsEqual(OrderTakeProfit(), g_price_2268) || !IsEqual(OrderStopLoss(), g_price_2260)) {
if (OrderModify(OrderTicket(), OrderOpenPrice(), g_price_2260, g_price_2268, 0, CLR_NONE)) {
if (OrderType() == OP_SELL) {
if (!IsEqual(OrderTakeProfit(), g_price_2308) || !IsEqual(OrderStopLoss(), g_price_2300)) {
if (OrderModify(OrderTicket(), OrderOpenPrice(), g_price_2300, g_price_2308, 0, CLR_NONE)) {
if (OrderType() == OP_BUYSTOP)
if (!IsEqual(OrderTakeProfit(), g_price_2268) || !IsEqual(OrderStopLoss(), g_price_2260)) OrderModify(OrderTicket(), OrderOpenPrice(), g_price_2260, g_price_2268, 0, CLR_NONE);
if (OrderType() == OP_SELLSTOP)
if (!IsEqual(OrderTakeProfit(), g_price_2308) || !IsEqual(OrderStopLoss(), g_price_2300)) OrderModify(OrderTicket(), OrderOpenPrice(), g_price_2300, g_price_2308, 0, CLR_NONE);
if (Averaging == TRUE) {
if (BuyLots() > SellLots()) gi_1848 = BuyOpen();
if (BuyLots() < SellLots()) gi_1852 = SellOpen();
for (g_pos_764 = 0; g_pos_764 < OrdersTotal(); g_pos_764++) {
if (OrderSelect(g_pos_764, SELECT_BY_POS, MODE_TRADES) && OrderSymbol() == Symbol()) {
if (OrderMagicNumber() != g_magic_1736) {
if (OrderType() == OP_BUY) {
gd_2244 += OrderLots();
g_ord_open_price_2236 = OrderOpenPrice();
g_ord_lots_796 = OrderLots();
if (OrderType() == OP_SELL) {
gd_2284 += OrderLots();
g_ord_open_price_2276 = OrderOpenPrice();
g_ord_lots_804 = OrderLots();
if (OrderType() == OP_BUYLIMIT) {
gd_2252 += OrderLots();
g_ord_lots_1388 = OrderLots();
if (OrderType() == OP_SELLLIMIT) {
gd_2292 += OrderLots();
g_ord_lots_1396 = OrderLots();
if (MaxLotStop > 0.0 && MaxLotStop > MarketInfo(Symbol(), MODE_MINLOT)) {
if (NormalizeDouble(g_ord_lots_796, 4) >= NormalizeDouble(MaxLotStop, 4) || NormalizeDouble(g_ord_lots_1388, 4) >= NormalizeDouble(MaxLotStop, 4)) gi_716 = TRUE;
else gi_716 = FALSE;
if (NormalizeDouble(g_ord_lots_804, 4) >= NormalizeDouble(MaxLotStop, 4) || NormalizeDouble(g_ord_lots_1396, 4) >= NormalizeDouble(MaxLotStop, 4)) gi_720 = TRUE;
else gi_720 = FALSE;
if (gi_716 == FALSE) {
if (BuyLots() > SellLots()) {
if (StartFromHiLow == TRUE && HiLowIndicatorLevel > 0) {
gd_1612 = g_ord_open_price_2236 - HiLowIndicatorLevel * gd_2340;
if (MarketInfo(Symbol(), MODE_BID) <= gd_1612) gd_1628 = 1;
if (gd_1628 == 1.0) {
if (MarketInfo(Symbol(), MODE_BID) >= g_ord_open_price_2236) {
gs_1728 = "HiLow Indicator Buy";
gd_1628 = 0;
if (AveragingMultiplier == 0.0) g_lots_2316 = g_lots_1948;
if (AveragingMultiplier == 1.0) g_lots_2316 = g_ord_lots_796 + g_lots_1948;
if (AveragingMultiplier > 0.0 && AveragingMultiplier != 1.0) g_lots_2316 = g_ord_lots_796 * AveragingMultiplier;
if (MaxLotStop > 0.0 && MaxLotStop > MarketInfo(Symbol(), MODE_MINLOT))
if (NormalizeDouble(MaxLotStop, 4) < NormalizeDouble(g_lots_2316, 4)) g_lots_2316 = MaxLotStop;
if (NormalizeDouble(g_lots_2316, 4) > NormalizeDouble(gd_2252, 4)) {
if (gd_1404 == 0.0) gd_1404 = gd_2244;
if (gd_1404 != gd_2244) {
gd_1404 = gd_2244;
if (increase > 0) {
if (gi_1848 >= IncreaseStartLevel) {
if (IncreaseEndLevel == 0) gi_776 = gi_1848 - IncreaseStartLevel + 1;
if (IncreaseEndLevel > 0 && gi_1848 <= IncreaseEndLevel) gi_776 = gi_1848 - IncreaseStartLevel + 1;
if (gd_988 > 0.0) g_price_1572 = g_ord_open_price_2236 - AveragingHedgeGap * gd_2340 - 2.0 * gd_988 - gi_776 * increase * gd_2340 - gd_2324;
else g_price_1572 = g_ord_open_price_2236 - AveragingHedgeGap * gd_2340 - gi_776 * increase * gd_2340 - gd_2324;
if (gi_1848 < IncreaseStartLevel) {
if (gd_988 > 0.0) g_price_1572 = g_ord_open_price_2236 - AveragingHedgeGap * gd_2340 - 2.0 * gd_988 - gd_2324;
else g_price_1572 = g_ord_open_price_2236 - AveragingHedgeGap * gd_2340 - gd_2324;
} else {
if (gd_988 > 0.0) g_price_1572 = g_ord_open_price_2236 - AveragingHedgeGap * gd_2340 - 2.0 * gd_988 - gd_2324;
else g_price_1572 = g_ord_open_price_2236 - AveragingHedgeGap * gd_2340 - gd_2324;
g_ask_836 = MarketInfo(Symbol(), MODE_ASK);
if (g_ask_836 < g_price_1572) {
gd_812 = g_price_1572 - g_ask_836;
g_price_1572 = g_ask_836;
Print("Average Buy Counter @ ", g_price_1572);
if (OrderSend(Symbol(), OP_BUY, g_lots_2316, g_price_1572, 3, 0, 0, "Average Buy at Market Price", 0, 0, CLR_NONE) < 0) Print("Error Open Buy Average at Market Price = ", ErrorDescription(GetLastError()));
if (GapAdjustment == TRUE) gd_988 += gd_812;
else gd_988 = 0;
if (g_ask_836 >= g_price_1572)
if (OrderSend(Symbol(), OP_BUYLIMIT, g_lots_2316, g_price_1572, 3, 0, 0, "Buy Limit", 0, 0, CLR_NONE) < 0) Print("Error Open Buy Limit = ", ErrorDescription(GetLastError()));
if (NormalizeDouble(g_lots_2316, 4) < NormalizeDouble(gd_2252, 4)) CancelPending();
if (gi_720 == FALSE) {
if (SellLots() > BuyLots()) {
if (StartFromHiLow == TRUE && HiLowIndicatorLevel > 0) {
gd_1620 = g_ord_open_price_2276 + HiLowIndicatorLevel * gd_2340;
if (MarketInfo(Symbol(), MODE_ASK) >= gd_1620) gd_1636 = 1;
if (gd_1636 == 1.0) {
if (MarketInfo(Symbol(), MODE_BID) <= g_ord_open_price_2276) {
gs_1728 = "HiLow Indicator Sell";
gd_1636 = 0;
if (AveragingMultiplier == 0.0) g_lots_2316 = g_lots_1948;
if (AveragingMultiplier == 1.0) g_lots_2316 = g_ord_lots_804 + g_lots_1948;
if (AveragingMultiplier > 0.0 && AveragingMultiplier != 1.0) g_lots_2316 = g_ord_lots_804 * AveragingMultiplier;
if (MaxLotStop > 0.0 && MaxLotStop > MarketInfo(Symbol(), MODE_MINLOT))
if (NormalizeDouble(MaxLotStop, 4) < NormalizeDouble(g_lots_2316, 4)) g_lots_2316 = MaxLotStop;
if (NormalizeDouble(g_lots_2316, 4) > NormalizeDouble(gd_2292, 4)) {
if (gd_1412 == 0.0) gd_1412 = gd_2284;
if (gd_1412 != gd_2284) {
gd_1412 = gd_2284;
if (increase > 0) {
if (gi_1852 >= IncreaseStartLevel) {
if (IncreaseEndLevel == 0) gi_776 = gi_1852 - IncreaseStartLevel + 1;
if (IncreaseEndLevel > 0 && gi_1852 <= IncreaseEndLevel) gi_776 = gi_1852 - IncreaseStartLevel + 1;
if (gd_988 > 0.0) g_price_1580 = g_ord_open_price_2276 + AveragingHedgeGap * gd_2340 + 2.0 * gd_988 + gi_776 * increase * gd_2340 + gd_2324;
else g_price_1580 = g_ord_open_price_2276 + AveragingHedgeGap * gd_2340 + gi_776 * increase * gd_2340 + gd_2324;
if (gi_1852 < IncreaseStartLevel) {
if (gd_988 > 0.0) g_price_1580 = g_ord_open_price_2276 + AveragingHedgeGap * gd_2340 + 2.0 * gd_988 + gd_2324;
else g_price_1580 = g_ord_open_price_2276 + AveragingHedgeGap * gd_2340 + gd_2324;
} else {
if (gd_988 > 0.0) g_price_1580 = g_ord_open_price_2276 + AveragingHedgeGap * gd_2340 + 2.0 * gd_988 + gd_2324;
else g_price_1580 = g_ord_open_price_2276 + AveragingHedgeGap * gd_2340 + gd_2324;
g_bid_828 = MarketInfo(Symbol(), MODE_BID);
if (g_bid_828 >= g_price_1580) {
gd_820 = g_bid_828 - g_price_1580;
g_price_1580 = g_bid_828;
Print("Average Sell Counter @ ", g_price_1580);
if (OrderSend(Symbol(), OP_SELL, g_lots_2316, g_price_1580, 3, 0, 0, "Sell Average at Market Price", 0, 0, CLR_NONE) < 0) Print("Error Open Sell Average at Market Price= ", ErrorDescription(GetLastError()));
if (GapAdjustment == TRUE) gd_988 += gd_820;
else gd_988 = 0;
if (g_bid_828 < g_price_1580)
if (OrderSend(Symbol(), OP_SELLLIMIT, g_lots_2316, g_price_1580, 3, 0, 0, "Sell Limit", 0, 0, CLR_NONE) < 0) Print("Error Open Sell Limit= ", ErrorDescription(GetLastError()));
if (NormalizeDouble(g_lots_2316, 4) < NormalizeDouble(gd_2292, 4)) CancelPending();
for (l_pos_8 = 0; l_pos_8 < OrdersTotal(); l_pos_8++) {
if (OrderSelect(l_pos_8, SELECT_BY_POS, MODE_TRADES) && OrderSymbol() == Symbol()) {
if (OrderMagicNumber() != g_magic_1736) {
if (OrderType() == OP_BUYLIMIT) {
gd_2252 += OrderLots();
g_ord_open_price_1332 = OrderOpenPrice();
g_ord_lots_1388 = OrderLots();
if (OrderType() == OP_SELLLIMIT) {
gd_2292 += OrderLots();
g_ord_open_price_1340 = OrderOpenPrice();
g_ord_lots_1396 = OrderLots();
if (AveragingTakeProfit <= 0) {
g_price_2268 = 0;
g_price_2308 = 0;
g_price_2260 = 0;
g_price_2300 = 0;
if (AveragingTakeProfit > 0) {
if (gd_2244 > gd_2284) {
if (gd_2252 > 0.0) {
if (g_ord_open_price_1332 > FirstOpenBuyPrice()) {
if (g_price_2268 < g_ord_open_price_1332 + AveragingTakeProfit * gd_2340) g_price_2268 = g_ord_open_price_1332 + AveragingTakeProfit * gd_2340;
} else
if (g_price_2268 < FirstOpenBuyPrice() + AveragingTakeProfit * gd_2340) g_price_2268 = FirstOpenBuyPrice() + AveragingTakeProfit * gd_2340;
} else
if (g_price_2268 < FirstOpenBuyPrice() + AveragingTakeProfit * gd_2340) g_price_2268 = FirstOpenBuyPrice() + AveragingTakeProfit * gd_2340;
if (gd_2284 > gd_2244) {
if (gd_2292 > 0.0) {
if (g_ord_open_price_1340 < FirstOpenSellPrice()) {
if (g_price_2308 == 0.0 || g_price_2308 > g_ord_open_price_1340 - AveragingTakeProfit * gd_2340) g_price_2308 = g_ord_open_price_1340 - AveragingTakeProfit * gd_2340;
} else
if (g_price_2308 == 0.0 || g_price_2308 > FirstOpenSellPrice() - AveragingTakeProfit * gd_2340) g_price_2308 = FirstOpenSellPrice() - AveragingTakeProfit * gd_2340;
} else
if (g_price_2308 == 0.0 || g_price_2308 > FirstOpenSellPrice() - AveragingTakeProfit * gd_2340) g_price_2308 = FirstOpenSellPrice() - AveragingTakeProfit * gd_2340;
} else {
g_price_2268 = 0;
g_price_2308 = 0;
if (AveragingStopLoss > 0) {
if (gd_2244 > gd_2284) {
if (gd_2252 > 0.0) {
if (g_ord_open_price_1332 > FirstOpenBuyPrice()) {
if (g_price_2260 == 0.0 || g_price_2260 > FirstOpenBuyPrice() - AveragingStopLoss * gd_2340) g_price_2260 = FirstOpenBuyPrice() - AveragingStopLoss * gd_2340;
} else
if (g_price_2260 == 0.0 || g_price_2260 > g_ord_open_price_1332 - AveragingStopLoss * gd_2340) g_price_2260 = g_ord_open_price_1332 - AveragingStopLoss * gd_2340;
} else
if (g_price_2260 == 0.0 || g_price_2260 > FirstOpenBuyPrice() - AveragingStopLoss * gd_2340) g_price_2260 = FirstOpenBuyPrice() - AveragingStopLoss * gd_2340;
if (gd_2284 > gd_2244) {
if (gd_2292 > 0.0) {
if (g_ord_open_price_1340 < FirstOpenSellPrice()) {
if (g_price_2300 < FirstOpenSellPrice() + AveragingStopLoss * gd_2340) g_price_2300 = FirstOpenSellPrice() + AveragingStopLoss * gd_2340;
} else
if (g_price_2300 < g_ord_open_price_1340 + AveragingStopLoss * gd_2340) g_price_2300 = g_ord_open_price_1340 + AveragingStopLoss * gd_2340;
} else
if (g_price_2300 < FirstOpenSellPrice() + AveragingStopLoss * gd_2340) g_price_2300 = FirstOpenSellPrice() + AveragingStopLoss * gd_2340;
} else {
g_price_2260 = 0;
g_price_2300 = 0;
if (OrderMagicNumber() != g_magic_1736) {
for (g_pos_764 = 0; g_pos_764 < OrdersTotal(); g_pos_764++) {
if (OrderSelect(g_pos_764, SELECT_BY_POS)) {
if (OrderSymbol() == Symbol() && OrderMagicNumber() != g_magic_1736) {
if (OrderType() == OP_BUY) {
if (!IsEqual(OrderTakeProfit(), g_price_2268) || !IsEqual(OrderStopLoss(), g_price_2260)) {
if (OrderModify(OrderTicket(), OrderOpenPrice(), g_price_2260, g_price_2268, 0, CLR_NONE)) {
if (OrderType() == OP_SELL) {
if (!IsEqual(OrderTakeProfit(), g_price_2308) || !IsEqual(OrderStopLoss(), g_price_2300)) {
if (OrderModify(OrderTicket(), OrderOpenPrice(), g_price_2300, g_price_2308, 0, CLR_NONE)) {
if (OrderType() == OP_BUYLIMIT) {
if (BuyOpen() < 1 && OrderMagicNumber() != 5566) OrderDelete(OrderTicket());
if (!IsEqual(OrderTakeProfit(), g_price_2268) || !IsEqual(OrderStopLoss(), g_price_2260)) OrderModify(OrderTicket(), OrderOpenPrice(), g_price_2260, g_price_2268, 0, CLR_NONE);
if (OrderType() == OP_SELLLIMIT) {
if (SellOpen() < 1 && OrderMagicNumber() != 5566) OrderDelete(OrderTicket());
if (!IsEqual(OrderTakeProfit(), g_price_2308) || !IsEqual(OrderStopLoss(), g_price_2300)) OrderModify(OrderTicket(), OrderOpenPrice(), g_price_2300, g_price_2308, 0, CLR_NONE);
if (DisableTrailingStop == FALSE) {
if (TrailingStop <= 0) {
TrailingStopStartLevel = 0;
TrailingStopEndLevel = 0;
if (TrailingStop > 0)
if (TrailingStopEndLevel <= TrailingStopStartLevel) TrailingStopEndLevel = 0;
if (TrailingStop > 0)
if (TrailingStopStartLevel < 1) TrailingStopStartLevel = 1;
if (TrailingStop_2 > 0)
if (TrailingStop_2_EndLevel <= TrailingStop_2_StartLevel) TrailingStop_2_EndLevel = 0;
if (TrailingStop_2 > 0)
if (TrailingStop_2_StartLevel < 1) TrailingStop_2_StartLevel = 1;
if (TrailingStop_3 > 0)
if (TrailingStop_3_EndLevel <= TrailingStop_3_StartLevel) TrailingStop_3_EndLevel = 0;
if (TrailingStop_3 > 0)
if (TrailingStop_3_StartLevel < 1) TrailingStop_3_StartLevel = 1;
if (TrailingStop_4 > 0)
if (TrailingStop_4_EndLevel <= TrailingStop_4_StartLevel) TrailingStop_4_EndLevel = 0;
if (TrailingStop_4 > 0)
if (TrailingStop_4_StartLevel < 1) TrailingStop_4_StartLevel = 1;
if (BuyLots() > SellLots()) {
if (Averaging == TRUE) gi_772 = gi_1848;
for (g_pos_764 = 0; g_pos_764 < OrdersTotal(); g_pos_764++) {
if (OrderSelect(g_pos_764, SELECT_BY_POS, MODE_TRADES) && OrderSymbol() == Symbol()) {
if (OrderType() == OP_BUY && OrderMagicNumber() != g_magic_1736) {
if (TrailingStop > 0) {
if (gi_772 >= TrailingStopStartLevel) {
if (TrailingStopEndLevel == 0 || gi_772 < TrailingStopEndLevel) {
if (AccountProfit() >= 0.0) {
if (g_bid_996 == 0.0 || MarketInfo(Symbol(), MODE_BID) < g_bid_996) g_bid_996 = MarketInfo(Symbol(), MODE_BID);
if (MarketInfo(Symbol(), MODE_BID) - g_bid_996 > TrailingStop * gd_2340) {
gd_876 = MarketInfo(Symbol(), MODE_BID) - TrailingStop * gd_2340;
if (gd_956 < gd_876) gd_956 = gd_876;
if (gd_956 > 0.0) {
if (MarketInfo(Symbol(), MODE_BID) > g_bid_844) {
g_bid_844 = MarketInfo(Symbol(), MODE_BID);
if (Rebound > 0) gd_860 = g_bid_844 - Rebound * gd_2340;
if (MarketInfo(Symbol(), MODE_BID) < gd_956 || MarketInfo(Symbol(), MODE_BID) < gd_860) {
gs_1728 = "Trailing Stop Buy";
if (AccountProfit() < 0.0) {
g_bid_996 = 0;
gd_956 = 0;
gd_860 = 0;
g_bid_844 = 0;
if (TrailingStop_2 > 0) {
if (gi_772 >= TrailingStop_2_StartLevel) {
if (TrailingStop_2_EndLevel == 0 || gi_772 < TrailingStop_2_EndLevel) {
if (AccountProfit() >= 0.0) {
if (g_bid_1012 == 0.0 || MarketInfo(Symbol(), MODE_BID) < g_bid_1012) g_bid_1012 = MarketInfo(Symbol(), MODE_BID);
if (MarketInfo(Symbol(), MODE_BID) - g_bid_1012 > TrailingStop_2 * gd_2340) {
gd_1028 = MarketInfo(Symbol(), MODE_BID) - TrailingStop_2 * gd_2340;
if (gd_1020 < gd_1028) gd_1020 = gd_1028;
if (gd_1020 > 0.0) {
if (MarketInfo(Symbol(), MODE_BID) > g_bid_1036) {
g_bid_1036 = MarketInfo(Symbol(), MODE_BID);
if (Rebound_2 > 0) gd_1044 = g_bid_1036 - Rebound_2 * gd_2340;
if (MarketInfo(Symbol(), MODE_BID) < gd_1020 || MarketInfo(Symbol(), MODE_BID) < gd_1044) {
gs_1728 = "Trailing Stop Buy 2";
if (AccountProfit() < 0.0) {
g_bid_1012 = 0;
gd_1020 = 0;
gd_1044 = 0;
g_bid_1036 = 0;
if (TrailingStop_3 > 0) {
if (gi_772 >= TrailingStop_3_StartLevel) {
if (TrailingStop_3_EndLevel == 0 || gi_772 < TrailingStop_3_EndLevel) {
if (AccountProfit() >= 0.0) {
if (g_bid_1092 == 0.0 || MarketInfo(Symbol(), MODE_BID) < g_bid_1092) g_bid_1092 = MarketInfo(Symbol(), MODE_BID);
if (MarketInfo(Symbol(), MODE_BID) - g_bid_1092 > TrailingStop_3 * gd_2340) {
gd_1108 = MarketInfo(Symbol(), MODE_BID) - TrailingStop_3 * gd_2340;
if (gd_1100 < gd_1108) gd_1100 = gd_1108;
if (gd_1100 > 0.0) {
if (MarketInfo(Symbol(), MODE_BID) > g_bid_1116) {
g_bid_1116 = MarketInfo(Symbol(), MODE_BID);
if (Rebound_3 > 0) gd_1124 = g_bid_1116 - Rebound_3 * gd_2340;
if (MarketInfo(Symbol(), MODE_BID) < gd_1100 || MarketInfo(Symbol(), MODE_BID) < gd_1124) {
gs_1728 = "Trailing Stop Buy 3";
if (AccountProfit() < 0.0) {
g_bid_1092 = 0;
gd_1100 = 0;
gd_1124 = 0;
g_bid_1116 = 0;
if (TrailingStop_4 > 0) {
if (gi_772 >= TrailingStop_4_StartLevel) {
if (TrailingStop_4_EndLevel == 0 || gi_772 < TrailingStop_4_EndLevel) {
if (AccountProfit() >= 0.0) {
if (g_bid_1172 == 0.0 || MarketInfo(Symbol(), MODE_BID) < g_bid_1172) g_bid_1172 = MarketInfo(Symbol(), MODE_BID);
if (MarketInfo(Symbol(), MODE_BID) - g_bid_1172 > TrailingStop_4 * gd_2340) {
gd_1188 = MarketInfo(Symbol(), MODE_BID) - TrailingStop_4 * gd_2340;
if (gd_1180 < gd_1188) gd_1180 = gd_1188;
if (gd_1180 > 0.0) {
if (MarketInfo(Symbol(), MODE_BID) > g_bid_1196) {
g_bid_1196 = MarketInfo(Symbol(), MODE_BID);
if (Rebound_4 > 0) gd_1204 = g_bid_1196 - Rebound_4 * gd_2340;
if (MarketInfo(Symbol(), MODE_BID) < gd_1180 || MarketInfo(Symbol(), MODE_BID) < gd_1204) {
gs_1728 = "Trailing Stop Buy 4";
if (AccountProfit() < 0.0) {
g_bid_1172 = 0;
gd_1180 = 0;
gd_1204 = 0;
g_bid_1196 = 0;
if (SellLots() > BuyLots()) {
if (Averaging == TRUE) gi_772 = gi_1852;
for (g_pos_764 = 0; g_pos_764 < OrdersTotal(); g_pos_764++) {
if (OrderSelect(g_pos_764, SELECT_BY_POS, MODE_TRADES) && OrderSymbol() == Symbol()) {
if (OrderType() == OP_SELL && OrderMagicNumber() != g_magic_1736) {
if (TrailingStop > 0) {
if (gi_772 >= TrailingStopStartLevel) {
if (TrailingStopEndLevel == 0 || gi_772 < TrailingStopEndLevel) {
if (AccountProfit() >= 0.0) {
if (g_ask_1004 == 0.0 || MarketInfo(Symbol(), MODE_ASK) > g_ask_1004) g_ask_1004 = MarketInfo(Symbol(), MODE_ASK);
if (g_ask_1004 - MarketInfo(Symbol(), MODE_ASK) > TrailingStop * gd_2340) {
gd_884 = MarketInfo(Symbol(), MODE_ASK) + TrailingStop * gd_2340;
if (gd_964 == 0.0 || gd_964 > gd_884) gd_964 = gd_884;
if (gd_964 > 0.0) {
if (g_ask_852 == 0.0 || MarketInfo(Symbol(), MODE_ASK) < g_ask_852) {
g_ask_852 = MarketInfo(Symbol(), MODE_ASK);
if (Rebound > 0) gd_868 = g_ask_852 + Rebound * gd_2340;
if (MarketInfo(Symbol(), MODE_ASK) > gd_964 || MarketInfo(Symbol(), MODE_ASK) > gd_868) {
gs_1728 = "Trailing Stop Sell";
if (AccountProfit() < 0.0) {
g_ask_1004 = 0;
gd_964 = 0;
gd_868 = 0;
g_ask_852 = 0;
if (TrailingStop_2 > 0) {
if (gi_772 >= TrailingStop_2_StartLevel) {
if (TrailingStop_2_EndLevel == 0 || gi_772 < TrailingStop_2_EndLevel) {
if (AccountProfit() >= 0.0) {
if (g_ask_1052 == 0.0 || MarketInfo(Symbol(), MODE_ASK) > g_ask_1052) g_ask_1052 = MarketInfo(Symbol(), MODE_ASK);
if (g_ask_1052 - MarketInfo(Symbol(), MODE_ASK) > TrailingStop_2 * gd_2340) {
gd_1068 = MarketInfo(Symbol(), MODE_ASK) + TrailingStop_2 * gd_2340;
if (gd_1060 == 0.0 || gd_1060 > gd_1068) gd_1060 = gd_1068;
if (gd_1060 > 0.0) {
if (g_ask_1076 == 0.0 || MarketInfo(Symbol(), MODE_ASK) < g_ask_1076) {
g_ask_1076 = MarketInfo(Symbol(), MODE_ASK);
if (Rebound_2 > 0) gd_1084 = g_ask_1076 + Rebound_2 * gd_2340;
if (MarketInfo(Symbol(), MODE_ASK) > gd_1060 || MarketInfo(Symbol(), MODE_ASK) > gd_1084) {
gs_1728 = "Trailing Stop Sell 2";
if (AccountProfit() < 0.0) {
g_ask_1052 = 0;
gd_1060 = 0;
gd_1084 = 0;
g_ask_1076 = 0;
if (TrailingStop_3 > 0) {
if (gi_772 >= TrailingStop_3_StartLevel) {
if (TrailingStop_3_EndLevel == 0 || gi_772 < TrailingStop_3_EndLevel) {
if (AccountProfit() >= 0.0) {
if (g_ask_1132 == 0.0 || MarketInfo(Symbol(), MODE_ASK) > g_ask_1132) g_ask_1132 = MarketInfo(Symbol(), MODE_ASK);
if (g_ask_1132 - MarketInfo(Symbol(), MODE_ASK) > TrailingStop_3 * gd_2340) {
gd_1148 = MarketInfo(Symbol(), MODE_ASK) + TrailingStop_3 * gd_2340;
if (gd_1140 == 0.0 || gd_1140 > gd_1148) gd_1140 = gd_1148;
if (gd_1140 > 0.0) {
if (g_ask_1156 == 0.0 || MarketInfo(Symbol(), MODE_ASK) < g_ask_1156) {
g_ask_1156 = MarketInfo(Symbol(), MODE_ASK);
if (Rebound_3 > 0) gd_1164 = g_ask_1156 + Rebound_3 * gd_2340;
if (MarketInfo(Symbol(), MODE_ASK) > gd_1140 || MarketInfo(Symbol(), MODE_ASK) > gd_1164) {
gs_1728 = "Trailing Stop Sell 3";
if (AccountProfit() < 0.0) {
g_ask_1132 = 0;
gd_1140 = 0;
gd_1164 = 0;
g_ask_1156 = 0;
if (TrailingStop_4 > 0) {
if (gi_772 >= TrailingStop_4_StartLevel) {
if (TrailingStop_4_EndLevel == 0 || gi_772 < TrailingStop_4_EndLevel) {
if (AccountProfit() >= 0.0) {
if (g_ask_1212 == 0.0 || MarketInfo(Symbol(), MODE_ASK) > g_ask_1212) g_ask_1212 = MarketInfo(Symbol(), MODE_ASK);
if (g_ask_1212 - MarketInfo(Symbol(), MODE_ASK) > TrailingStop_4 * gd_2340) {
gd_1228 = MarketInfo(Symbol(), MODE_ASK) + TrailingStop_4 * gd_2340;
if (gd_1220 == 0.0 || gd_1220 > gd_1228) gd_1220 = gd_1228;
if (gd_1220 > 0.0) {
if (gd_1236 == 0.0 || MarketInfo(Symbol(), MODE_ASK) < gd_1236) {
g_ask_1156 = MarketInfo(Symbol(), MODE_ASK);
if (Rebound_4 > 0) gd_1244 = gd_1236 + Rebound_4 * gd_2340;
if (MarketInfo(Symbol(), MODE_ASK) > gd_1220 || MarketInfo(Symbol(), MODE_ASK) > gd_1244) {
gs_1728 = "Trailing Stop Sell 4";
if (AccountProfit() < 0.0) {
g_ask_1212 = 0;
gd_1220 = 0;
gd_1244 = 0;
gd_1236 = 0;
if (Doubler == TRUE) {
if (DoublerEndLevel <= DoublerStartLevel) DoublerEndLevel = 0;
if (DoublerStartLevel < 1) DoublerStartLevel = 1;
if (DoublerMaxOrder < 0) DoublerMaxOrder = 0;
if (gi_752 != gi_772) {
gi_752 = gi_772;
if (g_count_1364 > 0 || g_count_1368 > 0) {
g_count_1364 = 0;
g_count_1368 = 0;
if (AllBuyLots() > AllSellLots()) {
if (Averaging == TRUE) gi_772 = gi_1848;
if (gi_772 >= DoublerStartLevel) {
if (DoublerEndLevel == 0 || gi_772 < DoublerEndLevel) {
if (DoublerMaxOrder == 0 || g_count_1364 < DoublerMaxOrder) {
if (AccountProfit() >= 0.0) {
if (DoublerBuyLots() == 0.0) {
if (g_lots_1316 > 0.0) {
if (DoublerMultiplier <= 0.0 || DoublerMultiplier == 1.0)
if (DoublerAddition > 0.0) g_lots_1316 = g_ord_lots_1348 + DoublerAddition;
if (DoublerMultiplier > 0.0 && DoublerMultiplier != 1.0) {
if (DoublerAddition <= 0.0) g_lots_1316 = g_ord_lots_1348 * DoublerMultiplier;
if (DoublerAddition > 0.0) g_lots_1316 = g_ord_lots_1348 * DoublerMultiplier + DoublerAddition;
} else g_lots_1316 = DoublerLotSize;
if (g_ask_1252 == 0.0) g_ask_1252 = MarketInfo(Symbol(), MODE_ASK);
if (g_ask_1252 > 0.0)
if (MarketInfo(Symbol(), MODE_ASK) < g_ask_1252) g_ask_1252 = MarketInfo(Symbol(), MODE_ASK);
gd_1268 = g_ask_1252 + DoublerRangeFromProfit * gd_2340;
if (MarketInfo(Symbol(), MODE_ASK) >= g_ask_1252 + DoublerRangeFromProfit * gd_2340) {
if (OrderSend(Symbol(), OP_BUY, g_lots_1316, MarketInfo(Symbol(), MODE_ASK), 3, 0, 0, "Doubler Buy", g_magic_1736, 0, CLR_NONE) > 0) {
g_price_1436 = 0;
g_price_1420 = 0;
} else {
gd_1268 = 0;
g_ask_1252 = 0;
if (AllSellLots() > AllBuyLots()) {
if (Averaging == TRUE) gi_772 = gi_1852;
if (gi_772 >= DoublerStartLevel) {
if (DoublerEndLevel == 0 || gi_772 < DoublerEndLevel) {
if (DoublerMaxOrder == 0 || g_count_1368 < DoublerMaxOrder) {
if (AccountProfit() >= 0.0) {
if (DoublerSellLots() == 0.0) {
if (g_lots_1324 > 0.0) {
if (DoublerMultiplier <= 0.0 || DoublerMultiplier == 1.0)
if (DoublerAddition > 0.0) g_lots_1324 = g_ord_lots_1356 + DoublerAddition;
if (DoublerMultiplier > 0.0 && DoublerMultiplier != 1.0) {
if (DoublerAddition <= 0.0) g_lots_1324 = g_ord_lots_1356 * DoublerMultiplier;
if (DoublerAddition > 0.0) g_lots_1324 = g_ord_lots_1356 * DoublerMultiplier + DoublerAddition;
} else g_lots_1324 = DoublerLotSize;
if (g_bid_1260 == 0.0) g_bid_1260 = MarketInfo(Symbol(), MODE_BID);
if (g_bid_1260 > 0.0)
if (MarketInfo(Symbol(), MODE_BID) > g_bid_1260) g_bid_1260 = MarketInfo(Symbol(), MODE_BID);
gd_1276 = g_bid_1260 - DoublerRangeFromProfit * gd_2340;
if (MarketInfo(Symbol(), MODE_BID) <= g_bid_1260 - DoublerRangeFromProfit * gd_2340) {
if (OrderSend(Symbol(), OP_SELL, g_lots_1324, MarketInfo(Symbol(), MODE_BID), 3, 0, 0, "Doubler Sell", g_magic_1736, 0, CLR_NONE) > 0) {
g_price_1444 = 0;
g_price_1428 = 0;
} else {
gd_1276 = 0;
g_bid_1260 = 0;
for (g_pos_764 = 0; g_pos_764 < OrdersTotal(); g_pos_764++) {
if (OrderSelect(g_pos_764, SELECT_BY_POS, MODE_TRADES) && OrderSymbol() == Symbol()) {
if (OrderMagicNumber() == g_magic_1736) {
if (OrderType() == OP_BUY) {
g_ord_open_price_1556 = OrderOpenPrice();
g_ord_lots_1348 = OrderLots();
gd_1540 += OrderLots();
if (DoublerTakeProfit <= 0) gd_1284 = 0;
if (DoublerTakeProfit > 0) gd_1284 = g_ord_open_price_1556 + DoublerTakeProfit * gd_2340;
if (DoublerStopLoss <= 0) gd_1292 = 0;
if (DoublerStopLoss > 0) gd_1292 = g_ord_open_price_1556 - DoublerStopLoss * gd_2340;
if (g_price_1420 == 0.0) g_price_1420 = gd_1284;
if (g_price_1436 == 0.0) g_price_1436 = gd_1292;
if (!IsEqual(OrderStopLoss(), g_price_1436))
if (OrderModify(OrderTicket(), OrderOpenPrice(), g_price_1436, OrderTakeProfit(), 0, CLR_NONE) == FALSE) g_price_1436 -= gd_2340;
if (!IsEqual(OrderTakeProfit(), g_price_1420))
if (OrderModify(OrderTicket(), OrderOpenPrice(), g_price_1436, g_price_1420, 0, CLR_NONE) == FALSE) g_price_1420 += gd_2340;
if (OrderType() == OP_SELL) {
g_ord_open_price_1564 = OrderOpenPrice();
g_ord_lots_1356 = OrderLots();
gd_1548 += OrderLots();
if (DoublerTakeProfit <= 0) gd_1300 = 0;
if (DoublerTakeProfit > 0) gd_1300 = g_ord_open_price_1564 - DoublerTakeProfit * gd_2340;
if (DoublerStopLoss <= 0) gd_1308 = 0;
if (DoublerStopLoss > 0) gd_1308 = g_ord_open_price_1564 + DoublerStopLoss * gd_2340;
if (g_price_1428 == 0.0) g_price_1428 = gd_1300;
if (g_price_1444 == 0.0) g_price_1444 = gd_1308;
if (!IsEqual(OrderStopLoss(), g_price_1444))
if (OrderModify(OrderTicket(), OrderOpenPrice(), g_price_1444, OrderTakeProfit(), 0, CLR_NONE) == FALSE) g_price_1444 += gd_2340;
if (!IsEqual(OrderTakeProfit(), g_price_1428))
if (OrderModify(OrderTicket(), OrderOpenPrice(), g_price_1444, g_price_1428, 0, CLR_NONE) == FALSE) g_price_1428 -= gd_2340;
if (BuyLots() + SellLots() > 0.0) LABEL("ACTIVEORDERS_", "Active: " + gi_748, "Arial Bold", 270, gi_2432, gi_2376);
else LABEL("ACTIVEORDERS_", "Total Active: " + gi_748, "Arial Bold", 270, gi_2432, gi_2412);
gs_2356 = "";
gs_2364 = "";
if (BuyLots() > 0.0) {
gs_2356 = " lots @" + DoubleToStr(g_ord_open_price_2236, Digits) + " TP: " + DoubleToStr(g_price_2268, Digits) + " SL: " + DoubleToStr(g_price_2260, Digits);
LABEL("BUY_", "Active Buy: " + DoubleToStr(gd_2244, 2) + gs_2356, "Arial Bold", 0, gi_2436, gi_2380);
} else LABEL("BUY_", "Active Buy: " + DoubleToStr(gd_2244, 2) + gs_2356, "Arial Bold", 0, gi_2436, gi_2412);
if (SellLots() > 0.0) {
gs_2364 = " lots @" + DoubleToStr(g_ord_open_price_2276, Digits) + " TP: " + DoubleToStr(g_price_2308, Digits) + " SL: " + DoubleToStr(g_price_2300, Digits);
LABEL("SELL_", "Active Sell: " + DoubleToStr(gd_2284, 2) + gs_2364, "Arial Bold", 0, gi_2440, gi_2388);
} else LABEL("SELL_", "Active Sell: " + DoubleToStr(gd_2284, 2) + gs_2364, "Arial Bold", 0, gi_2440, gi_2412);
if (gd_2252 > 0.0) {
gs_1752 = "";
gs_1752 = " lots @" + DoubleToStr(g_ord_open_price_1332, Digits) + " TP: " + DoubleToStr(g_price_2268, Digits) + " SL: " + DoubleToStr(g_price_2260, Digits);
LABEL("PENDING_BUY", "Pending Buy Lots: " + DoubleToStr(g_ord_lots_1388, 2) + gs_1752, "Arial Bold", 0, gi_2444, gi_2372);
} else ObjectDelete("PENDING_BUY");
if (gd_2292 > 0.0) {
gs_1760 = "";
gs_1760 = " lots @" + DoubleToStr(g_ord_open_price_1340, Digits) + " TP: " + DoubleToStr(g_price_2308, Digits) + " SL: " + DoubleToStr(g_price_2300, Digits);
LABEL("PENDING_SELL", "Pending Sell Lots: " + DoubleToStr(g_ord_lots_1396, 2) + gs_1760, "Arial Bold", 0, gi_2444, gi_2372);
} else ObjectDelete("PENDING_SELL");
if (Averaging == TRUE || Hedging == TRUE) {
if (EALoop > 0) LABEL("LOOP_", "Loop: " + gi_768 + " of " + EALoop, "Arial Bold", 280, gi_2456, gi_2400);
else LABEL("LOOP_", "Loop: ON", "Arial Bold", 280, gi_2456, gi_2400);
} else ObjectDelete("LOOP_");
return (0);
bool IsEqual(double ad_0, double ad_8) {
if (NormalizeDouble(ad_0, Digits) == NormalizeDouble(ad_8, Digits)) return (TRUE);
return (FALSE);
int Crossed(double ad_0, double ad_8) {
if (ad_0 <= ad_8) gi_2528 = 1;
if (ad_0 > ad_8) gi_2528 = 2;
if (gi_2528 != gi_2524) gi_2524 = gi_2528;
return (gi_2528);
int BuyOrders() {
g_count_736 = 0;
g_ord_total_760 = OrdersTotal();
for (g_pos_764 = 0; g_pos_764 < g_ord_total_760; g_pos_764++) {
if (OrderSelect(g_pos_764, SELECT_BY_POS) != FALSE) {
if (OrderMagicNumber() != g_magic_1736 && OrderSymbol() == Symbol())
if (OrderType() == OP_BUYSTOP || OrderType() == OP_BUYLIMIT) g_count_736++;
return (g_count_736);
int SellOrders() {
g_count_740 = 0;
g_ord_total_760 = OrdersTotal();
for (g_pos_764 = 0; g_pos_764 < g_ord_total_760; g_pos_764++) {
if (OrderSelect(g_pos_764, SELECT_BY_POS) != FALSE) {
if (OrderMagicNumber() != g_magic_1736 && OrderSymbol() == Symbol())
if (OrderType() == OP_SELLSTOP || OrderType() == OP_SELLLIMIT) g_count_740++;
return (g_count_740);
int SellOpen() {
g_count_732 = 0;
g_ord_total_760 = OrdersTotal();
for (g_pos_764 = 0; g_pos_764 < g_ord_total_760; g_pos_764++) {
if (OrderSelect(g_pos_764, SELECT_BY_POS) != FALSE) {
if (OrderMagicNumber() != g_magic_1736 && OrderSymbol() == Symbol())
if (OrderType() == OP_SELL) g_count_732++;
return (g_count_732);
int BuyOpen() {
g_count_728 = 0;
g_ord_total_760 = OrdersTotal();
for (g_pos_764 = 0; g_pos_764 < g_ord_total_760; g_pos_764++) {
if (OrderSelect(g_pos_764, SELECT_BY_POS) != FALSE) {
if (OrderMagicNumber() != g_magic_1736 && OrderSymbol() == Symbol())
if (OrderType() == OP_BUY) g_count_728++;
return (g_count_728);
double TotalBuyLots() {
double ld_ret_0 = 0;
g_ord_total_760 = OrdersTotal();
for (g_pos_764 = 0; g_pos_764 < g_ord_total_760; g_pos_764++) {
if (OrderSelect(g_pos_764, SELECT_BY_POS) != FALSE) {
if (OrderMagicNumber() != g_magic_1736 && OrderSymbol() == Symbol())
if (OrderType() == OP_BUY || OrderType() == OP_BUYSTOP) ld_ret_0 += OrderLots();
return (ld_ret_0);
double TotalSellLots() {
double ld_ret_0 = 0;
g_ord_total_760 = OrdersTotal();
for (g_pos_764 = 0; g_pos_764 < g_ord_total_760; g_pos_764++) {
if (OrderSelect(g_pos_764, SELECT_BY_POS) != FALSE) {
if (OrderMagicNumber() != g_magic_1736 && OrderSymbol() == Symbol())
if (OrderType() == OP_SELL || OrderType() == OP_SELLSTOP) ld_ret_0 += OrderLots();
return (ld_ret_0);
double TotalBuyPos() {
double ld_ret_0 = 0;
g_ord_total_760 = OrdersTotal();
for (g_pos_764 = 0; g_pos_764 < g_ord_total_760; g_pos_764++) {
if (OrderSelect(g_pos_764, SELECT_BY_POS) != FALSE) {
if (OrderMagicNumber() != g_magic_1736 && OrderSymbol() == Symbol())
if (OrderType() == OP_BUY || OrderType() == OP_BUYSTOP) ld_ret_0 += 1.0;
return (ld_ret_0);
double TotalCorrBuyPos() {
double ld_ret_0 = 0;
g_ord_total_760 = OrdersTotal();
for (g_pos_764 = 0; g_pos_764 < g_ord_total_760; g_pos_764++) {
if (OrderSelect(g_pos_764, SELECT_BY_POS) != FALSE) {
if (OrderMagicNumber() != g_magic_1736) {
if (OrderSymbol() == gs_eurusd_328 || OrderSymbol() == gs_usdchf_336)
if (OrderType() == OP_BUY) ld_ret_0 += 1.0;
return (ld_ret_0);
double TotalCorrSellPos() {
double ld_ret_0 = 0;
g_ord_total_760 = OrdersTotal();
for (g_pos_764 = 0; g_pos_764 < g_ord_total_760; g_pos_764++) {
if (OrderSelect(g_pos_764, SELECT_BY_POS) != FALSE) {
if (OrderMagicNumber() != g_magic_1736) {
if (OrderSymbol() == gs_eurusd_328 || OrderSymbol() == gs_usdchf_336)
if (OrderType() == OP_SELL) ld_ret_0 += 1.0;
return (ld_ret_0);
double TotalSellPos() {
double ld_ret_0 = 0;
g_ord_total_760 = OrdersTotal();
for (g_pos_764 = 0; g_pos_764 < g_ord_total_760; g_pos_764++) {
if (OrderSelect(g_pos_764, SELECT_BY_POS) != FALSE) {
if (OrderMagicNumber() != g_magic_1736 && OrderSymbol() == Symbol())
if (OrderType() == OP_SELL || OrderType() == OP_SELLSTOP) ld_ret_0 += 1.0;
return (ld_ret_0);
double BuyLots() {
gd_780 = 0;
g_ord_total_760 = OrdersTotal();
for (g_pos_764 = 0; g_pos_764 < g_ord_total_760; g_pos_764++) {
if (OrderSelect(g_pos_764, SELECT_BY_POS) != FALSE)
if (OrderType() == OP_BUY && OrderSymbol() == Symbol() && OrderMagicNumber() != g_magic_1736) gd_780 += OrderLots();
return (gd_780);
double SellLots() {
gd_788 = 0;
g_ord_total_760 = OrdersTotal();
for (g_pos_764 = 0; g_pos_764 < g_ord_total_760; g_pos_764++) {
if (OrderSelect(g_pos_764, SELECT_BY_POS) != FALSE)
if (OrderType() == OP_SELL && OrderSymbol() == Symbol() && OrderMagicNumber() != g_magic_1736) gd_788 += OrderLots();
return (gd_788);
double AllBuyLots() {
gd_780 = 0;
g_ord_total_760 = OrdersTotal();
for (g_pos_764 = 0; g_pos_764 < g_ord_total_760; g_pos_764++) {
if (OrderSelect(g_pos_764, SELECT_BY_POS) != FALSE)
if (OrderType() == OP_BUY && OrderSymbol() == Symbol()) gd_780 += OrderLots();
return (gd_780);
double AllSellLots() {
gd_788 = 0;
g_ord_total_760 = OrdersTotal();
for (g_pos_764 = 0; g_pos_764 < g_ord_total_760; g_pos_764++) {
if (OrderSelect(g_pos_764, SELECT_BY_POS) != FALSE)
if (OrderType() == OP_SELL && OrderSymbol() == Symbol()) gd_788 += OrderLots();
return (gd_788);
double LastOpenBuyPrice() {
g_ord_open_price_892 = 0;
g_ord_total_760 = OrdersTotal();
for (g_pos_764 = 0; g_pos_764 < g_ord_total_760; g_pos_764++) {
if (OrderSelect(g_pos_764, SELECT_BY_POS) != FALSE) {
if (OrderMagicNumber() != g_magic_1736)
if (OrderType() == OP_BUY && OrderSymbol() == Symbol()) g_ord_open_price_892 = OrderOpenPrice();
return (g_ord_open_price_892);
double LastOpenSellPrice() {
g_ord_open_price_900 = 0;
g_ord_total_760 = OrdersTotal();
for (g_pos_764 = 0; g_pos_764 < g_ord_total_760; g_pos_764++) {
if (OrderSelect(g_pos_764, SELECT_BY_POS) != FALSE) {
if (OrderMagicNumber() != g_magic_1736)
if (OrderType() == OP_SELL && OrderSymbol() == Symbol()) g_ord_open_price_900 = OrderOpenPrice();
return (g_ord_open_price_900);
double FirstOpenBuyPrice() {
g_ord_open_price_1588 = 0;
g_ord_total_760 = OrdersTotal();
for (g_pos_764 = 0; g_pos_764 < g_ord_total_760; g_pos_764++) {
if (OrderSelect(g_pos_764, SELECT_BY_POS) != FALSE) {
if (OrderMagicNumber() == g_magic_1736) break;
if (!((OrderType() == OP_BUY && OrderSymbol() == Symbol()))) break;
g_ord_open_price_1588 = OrderOpenPrice();
return (g_ord_open_price_1588);
double FirstOpenSellPrice() {
g_ord_open_price_1596 = 0;
g_ord_total_760 = OrdersTotal();
for (g_pos_764 = 0; g_pos_764 < g_ord_total_760; g_pos_764++) {
if (OrderSelect(g_pos_764, SELECT_BY_POS) != FALSE) {
if (OrderMagicNumber() == g_magic_1736) break;
if (!((OrderType() == OP_SELL && OrderSymbol() == Symbol()))) break;
g_ord_open_price_1596 = OrderOpenPrice();
return (g_ord_open_price_1596);
double DoublerBuyLots() {
gd_780 = 0;
g_ord_total_760 = OrdersTotal();
for (g_pos_764 = 0; g_pos_764 < g_ord_total_760; g_pos_764++) {
if (OrderSelect(g_pos_764, SELECT_BY_POS) != FALSE) {
if (OrderMagicNumber() == g_magic_1736)
if (OrderType() == OP_BUY && OrderSymbol() == Symbol()) gd_780 += OrderLots();
return (gd_780);
double DoublerSellLots() {
gd_788 = 0;
g_ord_total_760 = OrdersTotal();
for (g_pos_764 = 0; g_pos_764 < g_ord_total_760; g_pos_764++) {
if (OrderSelect(g_pos_764, SELECT_BY_POS) != FALSE) {
if (OrderMagicNumber() == g_magic_1736)
if (OrderType() == OP_SELL && OrderSymbol() == Symbol()) gd_788 += OrderLots();
return (gd_788);
void CheckOrder() {
if (gi_344 == FALSE) {
if (gi_300 == TRUE) gi_748 = TotalCorrBuyPos() + TotalCorrSellPos();
if (gi_300 == FALSE) gi_748 = BuyOpen() + SellOpen();
if (gi_744 > gi_748) {
if (CloseOneCloseAll == TRUE) {
if (OrdersTotal() > 0) {
gi_2232 = FALSE;
if (gs_1728 == "") gs_1728 = "CloseOneCloseAll";
if (OrdersTotal() <= 0) CheckLoop();
if (CloseOneCloseAll == FALSE) {
if (BuyOrders() + SellOrders() > 0) CancelPending();
if (BuyOpen() + SellOpen() <= 0) {
if (OrdersTotal() > 0) {
gi_2232 = FALSE;
gs_1728 = "No Open Positions";
if (OrdersTotal() <= 0) CheckLoop();
gi_744 = 0;
} else gi_744 = gi_748;
if (gi_344 == TRUE) gi_692 = TRUE;
void CheckLoop() {
gi_772 = 0;
gi_1848 = 0;
gi_1852 = 0;
gi_1384 = FALSE;
if (EALoop <= 0) {
gd_1884 = 0;
if (StartFromHiLow == TRUE) {
if (ObjectsTotal() > 0) ObjectsDeleteAll();
} else LoopObjDelete();
gi_692 = TRUE;
gi_2232 = TRUE;
if (EALoop > 0) {
if (gi_768 < EALoop) {
gd_1884 = 0;
if (StartFromHiLow == TRUE) {
if (ObjectsTotal() > 0) ObjectsDeleteAll();
} else LoopObjDelete();
gi_692 = TRUE;
gi_2232 = TRUE;
Print("Loop End");
gi_684 = FALSE;
void CancelPending() {
for (g_pos_764 = OrdersTotal() - 1; g_pos_764 >= 0; g_pos_764--) {
if (OrderSelect(g_pos_764, SELECT_BY_POS) != FALSE) {
if (OrderType() == OP_BUYSTOP) OrderDelete(OrderTicket());
if (OrderType() == OP_SELLSTOP) OrderDelete(OrderTicket());
if (OrderType() == OP_BUYLIMIT) OrderDelete(OrderTicket());
if (OrderType() == OP_SELLLIMIT) OrderDelete(OrderTicket());
void CloseAll() {
gi_692 = FALSE;
Print("Closing All Order...");
while (true) {
if (OrdersTotal() <= 0) break;
void CloseAllSequence(int ai_0) {
double l_ord_lots_4;
int l_ticket_12;
int l_error_16;
int li_20;
string ls_24;
double l_price_32;
int l_cmd_40;
int l_cmd_44 = -1;
string ls_48 = Symbol();
for (g_pos_764 = OrdersTotal() - 1; g_pos_764 >= 0; g_pos_764--) {
if (OrderSelect(g_pos_764, SELECT_BY_POS) == TRUE) {
if (ai_0 == 1) {
if (OrderSymbol() != ls_48) continue;
l_cmd_40 = OrderType();
if (l_cmd_40 > OP_SELL) continue;
l_ord_lots_4 = OrderLots();
l_ticket_12 = OrderTicket();
l_cmd_44 = l_cmd_40;
while (true) {
if (l_cmd_44 == -1) {
Alert("No orders available");
switch (l_cmd_44) {
case OP_BUY:
l_price_32 = Bid;
ls_24 = "Buy";
case OP_SELL:
l_price_32 = Ask;
ls_24 = "Sell";
Print("Attempting to close ", ls_24, " order ", DoubleToStr(l_ord_lots_4, 2), " lot. Awaiting for response..");
li_20 = OrderClose(l_ticket_12, l_ord_lots_4, l_price_32, 3);
if (li_20 == 1) {
Print("Order ", ls_24, " of ", DoubleToStr(l_ord_lots_4, 2), " lot has been closed");
l_error_16 = GetLastError();
switch (l_error_16) {
case 135/* PRICE_CHANGED */:
Print("The price has changed. Retrying..");
case 136/* OFF_QUOTES */:
Print("No prices. Waiting for a new tick..");
if (RefreshRates() != FALSE) break;
while (true) {
if (RefreshRates() == FALSE) continue;
case 146/* TRADE_CONTEXT_BUSY */:
Print("Trading subsystem is busy. Retrying..");
case 2/* COMMON_ERROR */:
Print("Common error");
case 133/* TRADE_DISABLED */:
Print("Trading is prohibited");
case 64/* ACCOUNT_DISABLED */:
Print("Account is blocked");
Print("Error ", l_error_16, " occured");
if (ai_0 == 2) {
if (OrderSymbol() == ls_48) continue;
l_cmd_40 = OrderType();
if (l_cmd_40 > OP_SELL) continue;
l_ord_lots_4 = OrderLots();
l_ticket_12 = OrderTicket();
l_cmd_44 = l_cmd_40;
while (true) {
if (l_cmd_44 == -1) {
Alert("No orders available");
switch (l_cmd_44) {
case OP_BUY:
l_price_32 = MarketInfo(OrderSymbol(), MODE_BID);
ls_24 = "Buy";
case OP_SELL:
l_price_32 = MarketInfo(OrderSymbol(), MODE_ASK);
ls_24 = "Sell";
Print("Attempting to close ", ls_24, " order ", DoubleToStr(l_ord_lots_4, 2), " lot. Awaiting for response..");
li_20 = OrderClose(l_ticket_12, l_ord_lots_4, l_price_32, 3);
if (li_20 == 1) {
Print("Order ", ls_24, " of ", DoubleToStr(l_ord_lots_4, 2), " lot has been closed");
l_error_16 = GetLastError();
switch (l_error_16) {
case 135/* PRICE_CHANGED */:
Print("The price has changed. Retrying..");
case 136/* OFF_QUOTES */:
Print("No prices. Waiting for a new tick..");
if (RefreshRates() != FALSE) break;
while (true) {
if (RefreshRates() == FALSE) continue;
case 146/* TRADE_CONTEXT_BUSY */:
Print("Trading subsystem is busy. Retrying..");
case 2/* COMMON_ERROR */:
Print("Common error");
case 133/* TRADE_DISABLED */:
Print("Trading is prohibited");
case 64/* ACCOUNT_DISABLED */:
Print("Account is blocked");
Print("Error ", l_error_16, " occured");
if (ai_0 == 0) {
if (OrderSymbol() != ls_48) continue;
l_cmd_40 = OrderType();
if (l_cmd_40 < OP_BUYLIMIT) continue;
l_ticket_12 = OrderTicket();
l_cmd_44 = l_cmd_40;
l_ord_lots_4 = OrderLots();
while (true) {
if (l_cmd_44 == -1) {
Alert("No orders available");
switch (l_cmd_44) {
ls_24 = "Buy Limit";
ls_24 = "Sell Limit";
ls_24 = "Buy Stop";
ls_24 = "Sell Stop";
Print("Attempting to close pending ", ls_24, " order ", DoubleToStr(l_ord_lots_4, 2), " lot. Awaiting for response..");
li_20 = OrderDelete(l_ticket_12);
if (li_20 == 1) {
Print("Order ", ls_24, " of ", DoubleToStr(l_ord_lots_4, 2), " lot has been closed");
l_error_16 = GetLastError();
switch (l_error_16) {
case 135/* PRICE_CHANGED */:
Print("The price has changed. Retrying..");
case 136/* OFF_QUOTES */:
Print("No prices. Waiting for a new tick..");
if (RefreshRates() != FALSE) break;
while (true) {
if (RefreshRates() == FALSE) continue;
case 146/* TRADE_CONTEXT_BUSY */:
Print("Trading subsystem is busy. Retrying..");
case 2/* COMMON_ERROR */:
Print("Common error");
case 133/* TRADE_DISABLED */:
Print("Trading is prohibited");
case 64/* ACCOUNT_DISABLED */:
Print("Account is blocked");
Print("Error ", l_error_16, " occured");
if (ai_0 == 3) {
if (OrderSymbol() != ls_48) {
l_cmd_40 = OrderType();
if (l_cmd_40 >= OP_BUYLIMIT) {
l_ticket_12 = OrderTicket();
l_cmd_44 = l_cmd_40;
l_ord_lots_4 = OrderLots();
while (true) {
if (l_cmd_44 == -1) {
Alert("No orders available");
switch (l_cmd_44) {
ls_24 = "Buy Limit";
ls_24 = "Sell Limit";
ls_24 = "Buy Stop";
ls_24 = "Sell Stop";
Print("Attempting to close pending ", ls_24, " order ", DoubleToStr(l_ord_lots_4, 2), " lot. Awaiting for response..");
li_20 = OrderDelete(l_ticket_12);
if (li_20 == 1) {
Print("Order ", ls_24, " of ", DoubleToStr(l_ord_lots_4, 2), " lot has been closed");
l_error_16 = GetLastError();
switch (l_error_16) {
case 135/* PRICE_CHANGED */:
Print("The price has changed. Retrying..");
case 136/* OFF_QUOTES */:
Print("No prices. Waiting for a new tick..");
if (RefreshRates() != FALSE) break;
while (true) {
if (RefreshRates() == FALSE) continue;
case 146/* TRADE_CONTEXT_BUSY */:
Print("Trading subsystem is busy. Retrying..");
case 2/* COMMON_ERROR */:
Print("Common error");
case 133/* TRADE_DISABLED */:
Print("Trading is prohibited");
case 64/* ACCOUNT_DISABLED */:
Print("Account is blocked");
Print("Error ", l_error_16, " occured");
void LoopObjDelete() {
void ObjDelete() {
void Delete(string a_name_0) {
while (ObjectFind(a_name_0) == 0) ObjectDelete(a_name_0);
void MessageDisplay() {
gd_1892 = AccountBalance();
if (gs_1728 == "") gs_1728 = "None";
if (gd_1892 != gd_1884) {
Alert("Current Balance = $", gd_1892);
Alert("Last Balance = $", gd_1884);
if (gd_1892 > gd_1884) {
Alert("Your Profit is = $", gd_1892 - gd_1884);
Alert("Closed by ", gs_1728);
} else {
Alert("Your Loss is = $-", gd_1884 - gd_1892);
Alert("Closed by ", gs_1728);
if (gd_1892 == gd_1884) {
Alert("Your Current Balance is $", gd_1892);
Alert("There is no profit or loss");
Alert("Closed by ", gs_1728);
void FirstOrder() {
double l_ima_0;
double l_ima_8;
double l_ima_16;
double l_ima_24;
if (BuyOpen() + SellOpen() <= 0) {
if (InitialOrder == "auto" || InitialOrder == "a" || gs_1784 == "auto") {
l_ima_0 = iMA(Symbol(), 0, ShortEMA, 0, MODE_EMA, PRICE_CLOSE, 0);
l_ima_8 = iMA(Symbol(), 0, LongEMA, 0, MODE_EMA, PRICE_CLOSE, 0);
l_ima_16 = iMA(Symbol(), 0, ShortEMA, 0, MODE_EMA, PRICE_CLOSE, 1);
l_ima_24 = iMA(Symbol(), 0, LongEMA, 0, MODE_EMA, PRICE_CLOSE, 1);
gi_2532 = Crossed(l_ima_8, l_ima_0);
while (BuyOpen() + SellOpen() <= 0) {
if (gi_2532 == 1) {
if (OrderSend(Symbol(), OP_BUY, g_lots_1948, MarketInfo(Symbol(), MODE_ASK), 3, 0, 0, "Auto Buy", 0, 0, CLR_NONE) < 0) {
Print("Error Buy= ", ErrorDescription(GetLastError()));
if (gi_2532 == 2) {
if (OrderSend(Symbol(), OP_SELL, g_lots_1948, MarketInfo(Symbol(), MODE_BID), 3, 0, 0, "Auto Sell", 0, 0, CLR_NONE) < 0) {
Print("Error Sell = ", ErrorDescription(GetLastError()));
gs_1784 = "auto";
if (gi_1376 == FALSE) {
if (InitialOrder == "buy auto" || InitialOrder == "ba") {
if (g_ask_1868 != MarketInfo(Symbol(), MODE_ASK)) g_ask_1868 = MarketInfo(Symbol(), MODE_ASK);
if (OrderSend(Symbol(), OP_BUY, g_lots_1948, g_ask_1868, 3, 0, 0, "Buy", 0, 0, CLR_NONE) < 0) {
Print("Error Buy= ", ErrorDescription(GetLastError()));
gi_1376 = TRUE;
gs_1784 = "auto";
if (InitialOrder == "sell auto" || InitialOrder == "sa") {
if (g_bid_1876 != MarketInfo(Symbol(), MODE_BID)) g_bid_1876 = MarketInfo(Symbol(), MODE_BID);
if (OrderSend(Symbol(), OP_SELL, g_lots_1948, g_bid_1876, 3, 0, 0, "Sell", 0, 0, CLR_NONE) < 0) {
Print("Error Sell= ", ErrorDescription(GetLastError()));
gi_1376 = TRUE;
gs_1784 = "auto";
if (InitialOrder == "manual" || InitialOrder == "m") {
gi_1376 = TRUE;
gs_1784 = "auto";
gi_692 = FALSE;
gi_688 = TRUE;
if (BuyOpen() + SellOpen() > 0) {
gi_692 = FALSE;
gi_688 = TRUE;
void MSBuyStop() {
gd_2076 = OrderOpenPrice() - gi_388 * gd_2340 - gi_364 * gd_2340 - gd_2324;
if (g_ask_2124 != MarketInfo(Symbol(), MODE_ASK)) {
g_ask_2124 = MarketInfo(Symbol(), MODE_ASK);
if (NormalizeDouble(MarketInfo(Symbol(), MODE_ASK), Digits) < NormalizeDouble(gd_2076, Digits)) {
if (g_price_1996 == 0.0 || NormalizeDouble(g_price_1996, Digits) > NormalizeDouble(MarketInfo(Symbol(), MODE_ASK) + gi_364 * gd_2340 + gd_2324, Digits)) {
g_price_1996 = MarketInfo(Symbol(), MODE_ASK) + gi_364 * gd_2340 + gd_2324;
Alert("Adjusting Buy Stop from ", DoubleToStr(OrderOpenPrice(), Digits), " to ", DoubleToStr(g_price_1996, Digits));
if (OrderModify(OrderTicket(), g_price_1996, 0, 0, 0, CLR_NONE) < FALSE) Print("Error Modifying MS Buy Stop = ", ErrorDescription(GetLastError()));
void MSSellStop() {
gd_2084 = OrderOpenPrice() + gi_388 * gd_2340 + gi_364 * gd_2340 + gd_2324;
if (g_bid_2132 != MarketInfo(Symbol(), MODE_BID)) {
g_bid_2132 = MarketInfo(Symbol(), MODE_BID);
if (NormalizeDouble(MarketInfo(Symbol(), MODE_BID), Digits) > NormalizeDouble(gd_2084, Digits)) {
if (NormalizeDouble(g_price_2004, Digits) < NormalizeDouble(MarketInfo(Symbol(), MODE_BID) - gi_364 * gd_2340 - gd_2324, Digits)) {
g_price_2004 = MarketInfo(Symbol(), MODE_BID) - gi_364 * gd_2340 - gd_2324;
Alert("Adjusting Sell Stop from ", DoubleToStr(OrderOpenPrice(), Digits), " to ", DoubleToStr(g_price_2004, Digits));
if (OrderModify(OrderTicket(), g_price_2004, 0, 0, 0, CLR_NONE) < FALSE) Print("Error Modifying MS Sell Stop = ", ErrorDescription(GetLastError()));